Additional Synthetic Protease Inhibitors: Products

"Additional Synthetic Protease Inhibitors" has 20 results in Products.
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Leupeptin hemisulfate 

Inhibits trypsin-like/cysteine proteases

Pepstatin A 

Selective and high affinity cathepsin D inhibitor


Competitive serine protease inhibitor


Non-selective protease inhibitor; also blocks anandamide metabolism


Subtilisin/Kex2p-like proprotein convertase inhibitor


Broad spectrum, irreversible inhibitor of serine proteases

Aliskiren hemifumarate 

Potent renin inhibitor; antihypertensive

Phosphoramidon disodium salt 

Neutral endopeptidase and endothelin converting enzyme inhibitor


Potent thrombin inhibitor

Gabexate mesylate 

Serine protease inhibitor; inhibits thrombin, trypsin, kallikrein and plasmin

APC 366 

Tryptase inhibitor

CGS 35066 

Endothelin-converting enzyme (ECE) inhibitor

MI 2 (MALT1 inhibitor) 

MALT1 inhibitor

SSM 3 trifluoroacetate 

Potent furin inhibitor

VTP 27999 trifluoroacetate 

Highly potent and selective renin inhibitor

Sacubitril calcium 

Membrane metallo-endopeptidase (neprilysin) inhibitor prodrug; orally bioavailable


Insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) inhibitor

KYP 2047 

High affinity prolyl oligopeptidase inhibitor; anti-angiogenic, neuroprotective and brain penetrant

Pep 2-8 

Potent PCSK9 inhibitor

LY 2886721 Hydrochloride 

Potent and selective β-secretase (BACE) inhibitor
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