c-Abl: Products

c-Abl (Abelson murine leukemia viral homolog 1) is a cytosolic member of the ABL subfamily, protein tyrosine kinase family of enzymes. It is ubiquitously expressed, and participates in multiple processes such as cell migration, actin reorganization, DNA damage response and apoptosis.

"c-Abl" has 16 results in Products.
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Human c-Abl Antibody 

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Simple Western, WB


Highly potent pan-Src/Bcr-Abl inhibitor

Imatinib mesylate 

Potent and selective v-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor; also inhibits PDGFR and c-kit


Dual Src-Abl inhibitor; antiproliferative

Recombinant Human c-Abl His-tag Protein, CF 

1 Image
Enzyme Activity

PP 1 

Potent, selective Src family kinase inhibitor

1-Naphthyl PP1 

Src family kinase inhibitor; also inhibits c-Abl

AP 24534 

Potent multi-kinase and pan-Bcr-Abl inhibitor


Potent inhibitor of Abl T315l mutant and wild-type Abl kinases

GNF 5 

Selective allosteric inhibitor of Bcr-Abl; analog of GNF 2 (Cat. No. 4399)

AEE 788 

Potent EGFR and VEGFR inhibitor

GNF 7 

Ras signaling inhibitor; inhibits Ack1 and GCK

PP 121 

Dual kinase inhibitor; inhibits PI 3-K family kinases

JNJ 10198409 

Potent PDGFRα and PDGFRβ inhibitor; also inhibits c-Abl, Lck, c-Src and Fyn kinases


Potent and selective Src tyrosine kinase family inhibitor; anticancer; antiviral; orally bioavailable

GMB 475 

BCR-ABL1 kinase PROTAC® Degrader
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