V1b Vasopressin R/AVPR1B: Products

AVPR1B acts as a receptor for arginine vasopressin. AVPR1B belongs to the subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors which includes AVPR1A, V2R and OXT receptors. Its activity is mediated by G proteins which stimulate a phosphatidylinositol-calcium second messenger system.

"V1b Vasopressin R/AVPR1B" has 6 results in Products.
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Synthetic vasopressin analog; V1B and V2 agonist

SSR 149415 

Potent and selective vasopressin V1B antagonist

OPC 21268 

Orally active vasopressin V1 antagonist

TASP 0390325 

Potent and selective V1B receptor antagonist; orally bioavailable
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