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Methyltransferase Inhibitors: Products

"Methyltransferase Inhibitors" has 23 results in Products.
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DNA methyltransferase inhibitor

RG 108 

Non-nucleoside DNA methyltransferase inhibitor


DNA methyltransferase inhibitor

(R)-PFI 2 hydrochloride 

Potent and selective SETD7 inhibitor

TP 064 

Potent and selective PRMT 4 inhibitor


DNA methyltransferase and cytidine deaminase inhibitor


MGMT inhibitor


SUV39H1 inhibitor

UNC 2327 

Allosteric inhibitor of PRMT3

OICR 9429 

High affinity and selective WDR5 antagonist

MM 102 

Potent WDR5/MLL interaction inhibitor

WDR5 0103 

WDR5 antagonist

SGC 707 

Potent and selective allosteric inhibitor of PRMT3

(S)-PFI 2 hydrochloride 

Negative control of (R)-PFI 2 hydrochloride (Cat. No. 4892)


Negative control of SGC 707 (Cat. No. 5367)

EPZ 004777 

Highly potent DOT1L inhibitor

SGC 0946 

Highly potent and selective DOT1L inhibitor; cell permeable

Furamidine dihydrochloride 

Selective PRMT1 inhibitor

MS 023 dihydrochloride 

Potent and selective type I PRMT inhibitor

GSK 591 dihydrochloride 

Potent and selective PRMT5 inhibitor

EPZ 015666 

Potent and selective PRMT5 inhibitor

AS 99 

Selective ASH1L histone methyltransferase inhibitor

EED 226 

Potent and selective EED inhibitor
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