EZH2: Products

"EZH2" has 10 results in Products.
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3-Deazaneplanocin A hydrochloride 

EZH2 histone methyltransferase inhibitor

GSK 126 

Very high affinity and selective EZH2 inhibitor

DZNep HCl 

3-Deazaneplanocin A hydrochloride synthesized to Ancillary Material Grade

UNC 1999 

Potent and selective EZH2/EZH1 inhibitor

ZLD 1039 

Potent and selective EZH2 inhibitor; orally bioavailable

GSK 343 

Potent and selective SAM-competitive EZH2 inhibitor


Potent and selective SAM-competitive EZH2 inhibitor

PF 06726304 acetate 

Highly potent and SAM-competitive EZH2 inhibitor

UNC 6852 

Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) Degrader (PROTAC®)
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