HAI-2A: Products

Two alternatively spliced forms of HAI-2 are found in human tissues. HAI-2A, the full-length molecule and also known as placental bikunin, is a major form expressed in human tissues. HAI-2A consists of two Kunitz domains, and a C-terminal transmembrane domain.

Three alternatively spliced forms of HAI-2 have been found in mouse tissues. HAI-2A is a minor form expressed in mouse tissues. HAI-2B, with residues 37 through 93 spliced out and thus lack of the first Kunitz domain, is a major form in mouse tissues. HAI-2B is an effective inhibitor of both HGF activator and trypsin.

"HAI-2A" has 8 results in Products.
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Human HAI-2 Antibody 

Mouse HAI-2 Ectodomain Antibody 

Recombinant Human HAI-2A Protein, CF 

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Inhibition Activity

Human HAI-2 Biotinylated Antibody 


Mouse HAI-2 Antibody 

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