Cultrex™ Extracellular Matrices for 2-D and 3-D Cell Culture Applications


Products include a full range of basement membrane extracts (BME) and purified extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, including Laminin I, Collagen I, Collagen IV, and Vitronectin. Select Cultrex BME and ECM products undergo additional qualification for use in 3-D cultures, stem cell cultures, and cell invasion assays.


Cultrex BME Cultrex ECM Proteins 


Human Instestinal Organoids Grown with Cultrex UltiMatrix Video

MUC2 (magenta) Expression in Human Intestinal Organoids Grown Using Cultrex UltiMatrix RGF BME. Video obtained by LifeCanvas Technologies.

Our Cultrex Matrices are In Stock and Ready to Ship!

Cultrex: Your Extracellular Matrix Solution

Cultrex BMEs are a mixture of specialized protein extract purified from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) murine tumor. These extracts provide a natural extracellular matrix hydrogel that polymerizes at 37 °C to form a reconstituted basement membrane that is used to promote and maintain a differentiated phenotype of cell cultures such as epithelial cells, endothelial cells, glandular cells, neurons, and smooth muscle cells. BME can also be utilized in cell attachment, neurite outgrowth, angiogenesis, in vitro cell invasion and in vivo tumorigenicity assays.

Product Features

  • Rapid - gels within 30 minutes at 37 °C.
  • Reliable - maintains gelled form in culture medium for 14 days.
  • Sterile - screened for bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma.
  • Specific - available with reduced growth factor content, with or without Phenol Red

Our most advanced extracellular matrix, Cultrex UltiMatrix RGF BME, is specially formulated with higher extracellular protein content, consistency, and clarity for optimal organoid, spheroid, and pluripotent stem cell culture.

Cultrex Basement Membrane Extracts 

Cultrex BME Matrices for 2-D and 3-D culture are offered in multiple formats to support application-specific needs. Cultrex Reduced Growth Factor (RGF) BME, which is processed to reduce matrix-associated growth factors, is ideal for research that requires a more defined model system. Cultrex UltiMatrix, as our most advanced matrix, is recommended for all below applications since its enhanced composition and consistency can benefit many types of cultures.

For additional guidance on matrix selection and protocols for use, including handling tips, see the Cultrex ECM Selection and Use Guide.

Cultrex ECM Testimonial Video

Cultrex BME Matrix Testimonial
Name Application Description RGF Version Available? Notes
Cultrex UltiMatrix RGF BME Organoids and Stem Cells Soluble form of basement membrane that provides high tensile strength, enhanced levels of entactin/nidogen, elevated protein concentration, and robust clarity and purity. Yes This matrix contains compositional enhancements and performance benefits for organoid and stem cell culture
Cultrex RGF BME, Type 2 Select Organoid Specifically qualified to support the establishment and expansion of robust organoid cultures. It's composition mimics the in vivo microenvironment to improve take rate and growth of organoids. Yes Robust and established organoid systems
Cultrex Stem Cell Qualified BME Stem Cells Provides an effective feeder-free surface for the attachment and maintenance of stem cells in an undifferentiated state, enabling growth promotion or study of stem cell differentiation. Yes Attachment and maintenance of stem human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells
Cultrex ReadyBME, Stem Cell Qualified Stem Cells Pre-diluted, pre-qualified ready-to-use basement membrane extract for feeder-free pluripotent stem cell maintenance and differentiation. Yes Improves experiment consistency and success by minimizing user handling and coating matrix dilution variability
Cultrex 3-D Culture Matrix BME* 3-D Tissue Spheroids BME used for modeling the morphological effects of early oncogenesis on 3-D microenvironments, wherein healthy, differentiating cells exhibit a structured, polarized morphology that is critical for tissue formation and function. Specifically produced for and qualified in 3-D culture studies. Yes 3-D cell cultures
Cultrex Organoid Qualified BME, Type 2* Organoid A Reduced Growth Factor BME that has been developed and qualified specifically for robust organoid cultures. Yes* Robust organoid cultures
Cultrex Organoid Qualified BME, Type R1 Organoid A Reduced Growth Factor BME that has been developed and qualified specifically for difficult organoid cultures. Yes Difficult to culture organoids
Cultrex BME, Type 3* Cancer/Tumorspheres BME Type 3 helps cells to adapt to in vivo transplantation. Mimicking the in vivo microenvironment, including low glucose and low pH, to improve take rate and growth of implanted cells for xenograft and tumorgraft models. No Xenograft/Tumorgrafts
Cultrex BME* General Consists of laminin I, type IV collagen, entactin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Yes General use including 2-D cultures, 3-D cultures, cell attachment and cell invasion

*product available with or without Phenol Red


Cultrex ECM Proteins Portfolio

Cultrex ECM Proteins provide a defined substrate for cell adhesion in culture. Many proteins of the ECM interact with cells via cell surface integrin family receptors. The resulting focal contacts are important for the maintenance of tissue architecture and for supporting a variety of cellular processes. ECM molecule/integrin binding may initiate a complex network of signal transduction cascades that, depending on the context, play an important role in cell spreading, migration, proliferation, and differentiation during embryogenesis, wound healing, and tumor development. To accommodate a variety of different models, we have developed a full range of ECM component proteins including Laminin I, Collagen I, Collagen IV, and Vitronectin. These include purified proteins that have been qualified for 3-D or stem cell cultures.

Cultrex BME Best Practices Video

Cell Matrices Best Practices

Name Description Catalog #
Mouse Laminin I A purified basement membrane protein that has been developed, produced and qualified specifically for cell culture studies where the presence of pathogens may cause concern. View All
Mouse Collagen IV Used for coating of tissue culture surfaces to promote cell attachment and proliferation and to study its effects on cell behavior. View All
Rat Collagen I Major structural component of extracellular matrices found in connective tissue and internal organs, used to promote cell attachment, growth, differentiation, migration, and tissue morphogenesis during development. The 5 mg/ml concentration is very viscous for researchers wanting a thicker Collagen. View All
Rat Collagen I, Lower Viscosity Diluted to a lower concentration (3 mg/ml); it is less viscous and easier to handle. A major structural component of extracellular matrices found in connective tissue and internal organs, but is most prevalent in dermis, tendons, and bone. It promotes cell attachment, proliferation, differentiation, migration, and tissue morphogenesis. View All
Vitronectin Vitronectin is a large glycoprotein found in blood and the ECM. Vitronectin contains multiple binding sites for a variety of structures. View All
3-D Culture Extract Laminin I 3-D Culture Matrix Mouse Laminin I may be used as a gel on which to grow cells, as a media additive alone or in concert with other basement membrane components, or to study cellular growth and differentiation in three dimensions in vitro. View All
3-D Culture Extract Rat Collagen I The 3-D Culture Matrix Collagen I may be used as a gel on which to grow cells or a media additive alone or in concert with other basement membrane components to study cellular growth and differentiation in three dimensions in vitro. View All


ExCellerate™ GMP iPSC Expansion Medium
For seamless transition from our equivalent RUO iPSC Expansion Medium. Both media support robust expansion and maintenance of pluripotent stem cell culture for enhanced consistency and reproducibility.
  • Completely animal-free
  • All-in-one formulation
  • Stable cell integrity over long term culture

Try Our GMP iPSC Expansion Medium