PI 3-Kinase C2 beta: Products

"PI 3-Kinase C2 beta" has 9 results in Products.
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Non-selective PI 3-kinase inhibitor

PI 103 hydrochloride 

Inhibitor of PI 3-kinase, mTOR and DNA-PK

PI 828 

PI 3-kinase inhibitor, more potent than LY 294002 (Cat. No. 1130)

Torin 2 

Potent and selective mTOR inhibitor

TGX 221 

Potent and selective PI 3-kinase β inhibitor

AZD 6482 

Potent and selective PI 3-Kβ inhibitor

KU 0060648 

Dual DNA-PK and PI 3-K inhibitor

PP 121 

Dual kinase inhibitor; inhibits PI 3-K family kinases
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