SR 95531 hydrobromide

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SR 95531 hydrobromide | CAS No. 104104-50-9 | GABA-A Receptor Antagonists
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Description: Competitive and selective GABAA antagonist
Alternative Names: Gabazine

Chemical Name: 6-Imino-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1(6H)-pyridazinebutanoic acid hydrobromide

Purity: ≥98%

Product Details
Citations (171)
Supplemental Products

Biological Activity

SR 95531 hydrobromide is a selective, competitive GABAA receptor antagonist and allosteric inhibitor (IC50 = 200 nM). SR 95531 displaces [3H]-GABA from rat brain membranes with a Ki of 150 nM. Unlike Bicuculline (Cat. No. 0130), SR 95531 selectively antagonizes GABA-induced Cl- currents with little action on Pentobarbitone-induced currents (Cat. No. 4579). SR 95531 can act as an agonist at high concentrations (>100 μM) and is a weak agonist at GABAA receptors with α1β2(Y157S)γ2L subunits. SR 95531 also acts as a competitive antagonist of recombinant glycine receptors and exhibits greater potency at glycine receptors containing β subunits.

Technical Data

Soluble to 25 mM in water and to 100 mM in DMSO
Store at RT

The technical data provided above is for guidance only. For batch specific data refer to the Certificate of Analysis.
Tocris products are intended for laboratory research use only, unless stated otherwise.

Background References

  1. High-throughput genotoxicity assay identifies antioxidants as inducers of DNA damage response and cell death.
    Fox JT, Sakamuru S, Huang R
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2012;109(14):5423-8.
  2. Neural cell adhesion molecule NrCAM regulates Semaphorin 3F-induced dendritic spine remodeling.
    Demyanenko G, Mohan V, Zhang X, Brennaman L, Dharbal K, Tran T, Manis P, Maness P
    J Neurosci, 2014;34(34):11274-87.
  3. Distinct Calcium Sources Support Multiple Modes of Synaptic Release from Cranial Sensory Afferents

    J Neurosci, 2016;36(34):8957-66.
  4. Dynasore blocks evoked release while augmenting spontaneous synaptic transmission from primary visceral afferents
    ME Hofmann, MC Andresen
    PLoS ONE, 2017;12(3):e0174915.
  5. Activation of raphe nuclei triggers rapid and distinct effects on parallel olfactory bulb output channels.
    Kapoor V, Provost A, Agarwal P, Murthy V
    Nat Neurosci, 2016;19(2):271-82.
  6. The kinetics of inhibition of rat recombinant heterotrimeric α1β glycine receptors by the low affinity antagonist SR-95531.
    Beato et al.
    J.Physiol., 2007;580:171
  7. Biochemical characterization of the interaction of three pyridazinyl-GABA derivatives with the GABAA receptor site.
    Heaulme et al.
    Brain Res., 1986;384:224
  8. The differential antagonism by bicuculline and SR95531 of pentobarbitone-induced currents in cultured hippocampal neurons.
    Uchida et al.
    Eur.J.Pharmacol., 1996;307:89
  9. Depolarizing GABA Transmission Restrains Activity-Dependent Glutamatergic Synapse Formation in the Developing Hippocampal Circuit
    CK Salmon, H Pribiag, C Gizowski, WT Farmer, S Cameron, EV Jones, V Mahadevan, CW Bourque, D Stellwagen, MA Woodin, KK Murai
    Front Cell Neurosci, 2020;14(0):36.
  10. Brainstem activation of GABAB receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarius increases gastric motility
    L Bellusci, E Kim, S Garcia DuB, RA Gillis, S Vicini, N Sahibzada
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022;16(0):961042.

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Citations for SR 95531 hydrobromide

The citations listed below are publications that use Tocris products. Selected citations for SR 95531 hydrobromide include:

171 Citations: Showing 1 - 10

  1. Voltage-gated potassium channels ensure action potential shape fidelity in distal axons.
    Authors: Sabater Et al.
    J Neurosci  2021;41:5372
  2. Oxytocin shapes spontaneous activity patterns in the developing visual cortex by activating somatostatin interneurons.
    Authors: Maldonado Et al.
    Curr Biol  2021;31:322
  3. Axonal mechanisms mediating γ-aminobutyric acid receptor type A (GABA-A) inhibition of striatal dopamine release
    Authors: Kramer Et al.
    ELife  2020;9
  4. Functional Dissection of Basal Ganglia Inhibitory Inputs onto Substantia Nigra Dopaminergic Neurons.
    Authors: Evans Et al.
    Cell Rep  2020;32
  5. Polysynaptic inhibition between striatal cholinergic interneurons shapes their network activity patterns in a dopamine-dependent manner.
    Authors: Dorst Et al.
    Nat Comms  2020;11:5113
  6. Hippocampal hub neurons maintain distinct connectivity throughout their lifetime.
    Authors: Bocchio Et al.
    Nat Commun  2020;11:4559
  7. Overlapping Activities of Two Neuronal Splicing Factors Switch the GABA Effect from Excitatory to Inhibitory by Regulating REST.
    Authors: Nakano Et al.
    Cell Rep  2019;27:860
  8. Functional Coupling of Cav2.3 and BK Potassium Channels Regulates Action Potential Repolarization and Short-Term Plasticity in the Mouse Hippocampus.
    Authors: Gutzmann Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2019;13:27
  9. Optically Induced Calcium-Dependent Gene Activation and Labeling of Active Neurons Using CaMPARI and Cal-Light.
    Authors: Ebner Et al.
    Front Synaptic Neurosci  2019;11:16
  10. A Retinal Circuit Generating a Dynamic Predictive Code for Oriented Features.
    Authors: Johnston Et al.
    Neuron  2019;
  11. A hippocampal circuit linking dorsal CA2 to ventral CA1 critical for social memory dynamics.
    Authors: Meira Et al.
    Nat.Commun.  2018;9:4163
  12. Reciprocal Circuits Linking the Prefrontal Cortex with Dorsal and Ventral Thalamic Nuclei.
    Authors: Collins Et al.
    Neuron  2018;98:366
  13. GABAergic inhibition in dual-transmission cholinergic and GABAergic striatal interneurons is abolished in Parkinson disease.
    Authors: Lozovaya Et al.
    Nat Commun  2018;9(1):1422
  14. OXT functions as a spatiotemporal filter for excitatory synaptic inputs to VTA DA neurons.
    Authors: Xiao Et al.
    Elife  2018;7
  15. A circuit from hippocampal CA2 to lateral septum disinhibits social aggression.
    Authors: Leroy Et al.
    Nature  2018;564:213
  16. Cerebrospinal Fluid-Contacting Neurons Sense pH Changes and Motion in the Hypothalamus.
    Authors: Jalalvand Et al.
    J Neurosci  2018;38:7713
  17. The Mouse Pulvinar Nucleus Links the Lateral Extrastriate Cortex, Striatum, and Amygdala.
    Authors: Zhou Et al.
    J Neurosci  2018;38:347
  18. Heparan Sulfate Organizes Neuronal Synapses through Neurexin Partnerships.
    Authors: Zhang Et al.
    Cell  2018;174:1450
  19. Proximodistal Heterogeneity of Hippocampal CA3 Pyramidal Neuron Intrinsic Properties, Connectivity, and Reactivation during Memory Recall.
    Authors: Sun Et al.
    Neuron  2017;95:656
  20. Biased OXTergic Modulation of Midbrain DA Systems.
    Authors: Xiao Et al.
    Neuron  2017;95:368
  21. Neurotransmitter Switching Regulated by miRNAs Controls Changes in Social Preference.
    Authors: Dulcis Et al.
    Neuron  2017;95:1319
  22. Input-Timing-Dependent Plasticity in the Hippocampal CA2 Region and Its Potential Role in Social Memory.
    Authors: Leroy Et al.
    Neuron  2017;95:1089
  23. Chronic Loss of CA2 Transmission Leads to Hippocampal Hyperexcitability.
    Authors: Boehringer Et al.
    Neuron  2017;94:642
  24. Serotonin enhances excitability and gamma frequency temporal integration in mouse prefrontal fast-spiking interneurons.
    Authors: Athilingam Et al.
    Elife  2017;6
  25. Subtype-specific effects of DArgic D2 receptor activation on synaptic trains in layer V pyramidal neurons in the mouse prefrontal cortex.
    Authors: Leyrer-Jackson
    Physiol Rep  2017;5(22):e13499
  26. Effect of temperature on FAD and NADH-derived signals and neurometabolic coupling in the mouse auditory and motor cortex.
    Authors: Ibrahim Et al.
    Pflugers Arch  2017;469:1631
  27. DA Regulation of GABAA Receptors Contributes to Light/Dark Modulation of the ON-Cone Bipolar Cell Receptive Field Surround in the Retina.
    Authors: Chaffiol Et al.
    Curr Biol  2017;27:2600
  28. Measuring Feedforward Inhibition and Its Impact on Local Circuit Function.
    Authors: Hull
    Cold Spring Harb Protoc  2017;2017
  29. Ion channel expression patterns in glioblastoma stem cells with functional and therapeutic implications for malignancy.
    Authors: Pollak Et al.
    PLoS One  2017;12:e0172884
  30. Monoaminergic modulation of GABAergic transmission onto cerebellar globular cells.
    Authors: Hirono
    Neuropharmacology  2017;118:79
  31. Spontaneous release regulates synaptic scaling in the embryonic spinal network in vivo.
    Authors: Miguel Angel Garcia-Bereguiain Et al.
    The Journal of Neuroscience  2016;6:7268
  32. Differential somatic Ca2+ channel profile in midbrain DArgic neurons.
    Authors: Philippart Et al.
    The Journal of Neuroscience  2016;6:7234
  33. Cortico-fugal output from visual cortex promotes plasticity of innate motor behaviour.
    Authors: Liu Et al.
    Nature  2016;538:383
  34. A cholinergic basal forebrain feeding circuit modulates appetite suppression
    Authors: Herman Et al.
    Nature  2016;538:253
  35. A deleterious Nav1.1 mutation selectively impairs telencephalic inhibitory neurons derived from Dravet Syndrome patients.
    Authors: Sun Et al.
    Elife  2016;5
  36. 17β-OE Acutely Potentiates Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission in the Hippocampus through Distinct Mechanisms in Males and Females.
    Authors: Oberlander
    J Neurosci  2016;36:2677
  37. Cell-Autonomous Regulation of Dendritic Spine Density by PirB.
    Authors: Vidal Et al.
    Eneuro  2016;3
  38. Electrophysiological Assessment of Serotonin and GABA Neuron Function in the Dorsal Raphe during the Third Trimester Equivalent Developmental Period in Mice(1,2,3).
    Authors: Morton Et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2016;2
  39. Diminished KCC2 confounds synapse specificity of LTP during senescence.
    Authors: Ferando Et al.
    Nat Neurosci  2016;19:1197
  40. Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Excites GnRH Neurons in Male and Female Mice.
    Authors: Piet Et al.
    Endocrinology.  2016;157:3621
  41. Acetylcholine induces GABA release onto rod bipolar cells through heteromeric nicotinic receptors expressed in A17 amacrine cells.
    Authors: Elgueta Et al.
    Microvasc Res  2015;9:6
  42. Cell-type-specific tuning of Cav1.3 Ca(2+)-channels by a C-terminal automodulatory domain.
    Authors: Scharinger Et al.
    Elife  2015;9:309
  43. Stretch induced hyperexcitability of mice callosal pathway.
    Authors: Fan Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2015;9:292
  44. An excitatory GABA loop operating in vivo.
    Authors: Astorga Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2015;9:275
  45. Interaction of electrically evoked activity with intrinsic dynamics of cultured cortical networks with and without functional fast GABAergic synaptic transmission.
    Authors: Baltz and Voigt
    Front Cell Neurosci  2015;9:272
  46. Acetylcholine release in mouse hippocampal CA1 preferentially activates inhibitory-selective interneurons via α4β2* nicotinic receptor activation.
    Authors: Bell Et al.
    J Neurosci  2015;9:115
  47. High salt intake increases blood pressure via BDNF-mediated downregulation of KCC2 and impaired baroreflex inhibition of vasopressin neurons.
    Authors: Choe Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2015;85:549
  48. Chloride transporter KCC2-dependent neuroprotection depends on the N-terminal protein domain.
    Authors: Winkelmann Et al.
    Cell Death Dis  2015;6:e1776
  49. Optical control of NMDA receptors with a diffusible photoswitch.
    Authors: Laprell Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2015;6:8076
  50. RBFOX3/NeuN is Required for Hippocampal Circuit Balance and Function.
    Authors: Wang Et al.
    Sci Rep  2015;5:17383
  51. Increased serotonin transporter expression reduces fear and recruitment of parvalbumin interneurons of the amygdala.
    Authors: Bocchio Et al.
    Neuropsychopharmacology  2015;40:3015
  52. An excitatory amacrine cell detects object motion and provides feature-selective input to ganglion cells in the mouse retina.
    Authors: Kim Et al.
    Elife  2015;4
  53. CaRuby-Nano: a novel high affinity calcium probe for dual color imaging.
    Authors: Collot Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2015;4
  54. Corelease of acetylcholine and GABA from cholinergic forebrain neurons.
    Authors: Saunders Et al.
    Elife  2015;4
  55. BK Channels Localize to the Paranodal Junction and Regulate Action Potentials in Myelinated Axons of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells.
    Authors: Hirono Et al.
    Eneuro  2015;35:7082
  56. Prototypic and arkypallidal neurons in the DA-intact external globus pallidus.
    Authors: Abdi Et al.
    J Neurosci  2015;35:6667
  57. Muscarinic receptors modulate dendrodendritic inhibitory synapses to sculpt glomerular output.
    Authors: Liu Et al.
    J Negat Results Biomed  2015;35:5680
  58. Abnormal excitability and episodic low-frequency oscillations in the cerebral cortex of the tottering mouse.
    Authors: Cramer Et al.
    Physiol Rep  2015;35:5664
  59. Ectopic Expression of α6 and δ GABAA Receptor Subunits in Hilar Somatostatin Neurons Increases Tonic Inhibition and Alters Network Activity in the Dentate Gyrus.
    Authors: Tong Et al.
    J Neurosci  2015;35:16142
  60. The Synaptic and Morphological Basis of Orientation Selectivity in a Polyaxonal Amacrine Cell of the Rabbit Retina.
    Authors: Murphy-Baum and Taylor
    Brain  2015;35:13336
  61. Sex Differences in Molecular Signaling at Inhibitory Synapses in the Hippocampus.
    Authors: Tabatadze Et al.
    J Neurosci  2015;35:11252
  62. Afterhyperpolarization (AHP) regulates the frequency and timing of action potentials in the mitral cells of the olfactory bulb: role of olfactory experience.
    Authors: Duménieu Et al.
    PLoS One  2015;3
  63. Traumatic Brain Injury Increases Cortical Glutamate Network Activity by Compromising GABAergic Control.
    Authors: Cantu Et al.
    Cereb Cortex  2015;25:2306
  64. Selective Effects of PDE10A Inhibitors on Striatopallidal Neurons Require Phosphatase Inhibition by DARPP-32(1,2,3).
    Authors: Polito Et al.
    J Neurosci  2015;2
  65. Ethanol exposure during the third trimester equivalent does not affect GABAA or AMPA receptor-mediated spontaneous synaptic transmission in rat CA3 pyramidal neurons.
    Authors: Baculis and Valenzuela
    J Neurophysiol  2015;14:19
  66. Tectal microcircuit generating visual selection commands on gaze-controlling neurons.
    Authors: Kardamakis Et al.
    PLoS One  2015;112:E1956
  67. Apamin Boosting of Synaptic Potentials in CaV2.3 R-Type Ca2+ Channel Null Mice.
    Authors: Wang Et al.
    Eneuro  2015;10:e0139332
  68. The effect of Dflu. on neuronal communication at a central synapse.
    Authors: Mapelli Et al.
    Nat Commun  2015;10:e0123534
  69. Spatially reciprocal inhibition of inhibition within a stimulus selection network in the avian midbrain.
    Authors: Goddard Et al.
    PLoS One  2014;9:e85865
  70. Nitric oxide modulates the temporal properties of the glutamate response in type 4 OFF bipolar cells.
    Authors: Vielma Et al.
    PLoS One  2014;9:e114330
  71. Neonatal NMDA receptor blockade disrupts spike timing and glutamatergic synapses in fast spiking interneurons in a NMDA receptor hypofunction model of schizophrenia.
    Authors: Jones Et al.
    Nature  2014;9:e109303
  72. mGluR1-mediated excitation of cerebellar GABAergic interneurons requires both G protein-dependent and Src-ERK1/2-dependent signaling pathways.
    Authors: Kubota Et al.
    PLoS One  2014;9:e106316
  73. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knock-down in post-mitotic neurons.
    Authors: Straub Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2014;9:e105584
  74. Inhibitory projections from the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body in the mouse.
    Authors: Albrecht Et al.
    Front Neural Circuits  2014;8:83
  75. Laser-scanning astrocyte mapping reveals increased glutamate-responsive domain size and disrupted maturation of glutamate uptake following neonatal cortical freeze-lesion.
    Authors: Armbruster Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2014;8:277
  76. Regulation of output spike patterns by phasic inhibition in cerebellar granule cells.
    Authors: Nieus Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2014;8:246
  77. Lamina-specific contribution of glutamatergic and GABAergic potentials to hippocampal sharp wave-ripple complexes.
    Authors: Schönberger Et al.
    J Cereb Blood Flow Metab  2014;8:103
  78. DA neurons control striatal cholinergic neurons via regionally heterogeneous DA and glutamate signaling.
    Authors: Chuhma Et al.
    PLoS One  2014;81:901
  79. HSF1 transcriptional activity mediates alcohol induction of Vamp2 expression and GABA release.
    Authors: Varodayan and Harrison
    J Neurophysiol  2014;7:89
  80. Synaptic and cellular organization of layer 1 of the developing rat somatosensory cortex.
    Authors: Muralidhar Et al.
    Front Neuroanat  2014;7:52
  81. Synapse elimination and learning rules co-regulated by MHC class I H2-Db.
    Authors: Lee Et al.
    Nat Neurosci  2014;509:195
  82. Cross-synaptic synchrony and transmission of signal and noise across the mouse retina.
    Authors: Grimes Et al.
    Elife  2014;3:e03892
  83. Gap junction networks can generate both ripple-like and fast ripple-like oscillations.
    Authors: Simon Et al.
    Eur J Neurosci  2014;39:46
  84. Glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in neurons and astrocytes during network activity in hippocampal slices.
    Authors: Ivanov Et al.
    J Cereb Blood Flow Metab  2014;34:397
  85. Three distinct blue-green color pathways in a mammalian retina.
    Authors: Mills Et al.
    J Neurosci  2014;34:1760
  86. Moderate Alcohol Exposure during the Rat Equivalent to the Third Trimester of Human Pregnancy Alters Regulation of GABAA Receptor-Mediated Synaptic Transmission by DA in the Basolateral Amygdala.
    Authors: Diaz Et al.
    J Neurosci  2014;2:46
  87. Cav1.3 channels control D2-autoreceptor responses via NCS-1 in substantia nigra DA neurons.
    Authors: Dragicevic Et al.
    Neuron  2014;137:2287
  88. Depressed GABA and glutamate synaptic signaling by 5-HT1A receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarii and their role in cardiorespiratory function.
    Authors: Ostrowski Et al.
    J Neurosci  2014;111:2493
  89. Effects of ethanol on glycinergic synaptic currents in mouse spinal cord neurons.
    Authors: Mariqueo Et al.
    Front Pediatr  2014;111:1940
  90. GPR35 activation reduces Ca2+ transients and contributes to the kynurenic acid-dependent reduction of synaptic activity at CA3-CA1 synapses.
    Authors: Berlinguer-Palmini Et al.
    PLoS One  2013;8:e82180
  91. Effects of a metabotropic glutamate 1 receptor antagonist on light responses of retinal ganglion cells in a rat model of retinitis pigmentosa.
    Authors: Jensen
    PLoS One  2013;8:e79126
  92. Intersecting circuits generate precisely patterned retinal waves.
    Authors: Akrouh and Kerschensteiner
    Neuron  2013;79:322
  93. Weaker control of the electrical properties of cerebellar granule cells by tonically active GABAA receptors in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down's syndrome.
    Authors: Szemes Et al.
    Mol Brain  2013;6:33
  94. Properties of the ON bistratified ganglion cell in the rabbit retina.
    Authors: Hoshi Et al.
    J Comp Neurol  2013;521:1497
  95. Autism-related deficits via dysregulated eIF4E-dependent translational control.
    Authors: Gkogkas Et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2013;493:371
  96. Postnatal loss of P/Q-type channels confined to rhombic-lip-derived neurons alters synaptic transmission at the parallel fiber to purkinje cell synapse and replicates genomic Cacna1a mutation phenotype of ataxia and seizures in mice.
    Authors: Maejima Et al.
    J Neurosci  2013;33:5162
  97. PrPC controls via protein kinase A the direction of synaptic plasticity in the immature hippocampus.
    Authors: Caiati Et al.
    J Neurosci  2013;33:2973
  98. Ovarian hormone loss impairs excitatory synaptic transmission at hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses.
    Authors: Wu Et al.
    J Neurosci  2013;33:16158
  99. A reorganized GABAergic circuit in a model of epilepsy: evidence from optogenetic labeling and stimulation of somatostatin interneurons.
    Authors: Peng Et al.
    PLoS One  2013;33:14392
  100. Behavioural and functional characterization of Kv10.1 (Eag1) knockout mice.
    Authors: Ufartes Et al.
    Hum Mol Genet  2013;22:2247
  101. GABA(A) receptors implicated in REM sleep control express a benzodiazepine binding site.
    Authors: Nguyen Et al.
    J Biol Chem  2013;1527:131
  102. Synaptic and extrasynaptic transmission of kidney-related neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla.
    Authors: Gao and Derbenev
    J Neurosci  2013;110:2637
  103. Contribution of near-threshold currents to intrinsic oscillatory activity in rat medial entorhinal cortex layer II stellate cells.
    Authors: Boehlen Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2013;109:445
  104. Olfactory bulb glomerular NMDA receptors mediate olfactory nerve potentiation and odor preference learning in the neonate rat.
    Authors: Lethbridge Et al.
    Mol Pain  2012;7:e35024
  105. Pre and post synaptic NMDA effects targeting Purkinje cells in the mouse cerebellar cortex.
    Authors: Lonchamp Et al.
    PLoS One  2012;7:e30180
  106. Cerebellar globular cells receive monoaminergic excitation and monosynaptic inhibition from Purkinje cells.
    Authors: Hirono Et al.
    PLoS One  2012;7:e29663
  107. Opposing Effects of Intrinsic Conductance and Correlated Synaptic Input on V-Fluctuations during Network Activity.
    Authors: Kolind Et al.
    Front Comput Neurosci  2012;6:40
  108. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor activation of CaM-kinase kinase via transient receptor potential canonical channels induces the translation and synaptic incorporation of GluA1-containing calcium-permeable AMPA receptors.
    Authors: Fortin Et al.
    J Neurosci  2012;32:8127
  109. Optimization of a GCaMP calcium indicator for neural activity imaging.
    Authors: Akerboom Et al.
    J Neurosci  2012;32:13819
  110. Intrinsic modulators of auditory thalamocortical transmission.
    Authors: Lee and Sherman
    Hear Res  2012;287:43
  111. ZD7288 enhances long-term depression at early postnatal medial perforant path-granule cell synapses.
    Authors: Guli Et al.
    Neural Plast  2012;2012:237913
  112. Focal adhesion kinase regulates actin nucleation and neuronal filopodia formation during axonal growth.
    Authors: Chacón Et al.
    Brain Res  2012;139:3200
  113. 5-hydroxytryptamine 2C receptors tonically augment synaptic currents in the nucleus tractus solitarii.
    Authors: Austgen Et al.
    Cereb Cortex  2012;108:2292
  114. Age-dependent effect of hearing loss on cortical inhibitory synapse function.
    Authors: Takesian Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2012;107:937
  115. Synaptic responses evoked by tactile stimuli in Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellar cortex Crus II in vivo.
    Authors: Chu Et al.
    PLoS One  2011;6:e22752
  116. Capsaicin-induced changes in LTP in the lateral amygdala are mediated by TRPV1.
    Authors: Zschenderlein Et al.
    PLoS One  2011;6:e16116
  117. GABAergic signalling in a neurogenic niche of the turtle spinal cord.
    Authors: Reali Et al.
    J Physiol  2011;589:5633
  118. Development of asymmetric inhibition underlying direction selectivity in the retina.
    Authors: Wei Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2011;469:402
  119. Fast oscillatory activity induced by kainate receptor activation in the rat basolateral amygdala in vitro.
    Authors: Randall Et al.
    Eur J Neurosci  2011;33:914
  120. Ovarian hormone deficiency reduces intrinsic excitability and abolishes acute estrogen sensitivity in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
    Authors: Wu Et al.
    J Neurosci  2011;31:2638
  121. SK2 channels are neuroprotective for ischemia-induced neuronal cell death.
    Authors: Allen Et al.
    J Neurosci  2011;31:2302
  122. A diversity of synaptic filters are created by temporal summation of excitation and inhibition.
    Authors: George Et al.
    J Neurosci  2011;31:14721
  123. NMDA receptor signaling in oligodendrocyte progenitors is not required for oligodendrogenesis and myelination.
    Authors: Biase Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2011;31:12650
  124. Endogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the nucleus tractus solitarius tonically regulates synaptic and autonomic function.
    Authors: Clark Et al.
    J Neurosci  2011;31:12318
  125. Prolonged postinhibitory rebound firing in the cerebellar nuclei mediated by group I metabotropic glutamate receptor potentiation of L-type calcium currents.
    Authors: Zheng and Raman
    J Neurosci  2011;31:10283
  126. Rapid developmental maturation of neocortical FS cell intrinsic excitability.
    Authors: Goldberg Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2011;21:666
  127. The SK2-long isoform directs synaptic localization and function of SK2-containing channels.
    Authors: Allen Et al.
    Nat Neurosci  2011;14:744
  128. Hydrogen sulfide augments synaptic neurotransmission in the nucleus of the solitary tract.
    Authors: Austgen Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2011;106:1822
  129. A portable laser photostimulation and imaging microscope.
    Authors: Nikolenko Et al.
    J Neural Eng  2010;7:45001
  130. Deactivation of L-type Ca current by inhibition controls LTP at excitatory synapses in the cerebellar nuclei.
    Authors: Person and Raman
    Neuron  2010;66:550
  131. High-Pass Filtering and Dynamic Gain Regulation Enhance Vertical Bursts Transmission along the Mossy Fiber Pathway of Cerebellum.
    Authors: Mapelli Et al.
    Nature  2010;4:14
  132. Excitability and synaptic communication within the oligodendrocyte lineage.
    Authors: Biase Et al.
    J Neurosci  2010;30:3600
  133. Orientation selectivity in rabbit retinal ganglion cells is mediated by presynaptic inhibition.
    Authors: Venkataramani and Taylor
    J Neurosci  2010;30:15664
  134. Control of CA3 output by feedforward inhibition despite developmental changes in the excitation-inhibition balance.
    Authors: Torborg Et al.
    J Neurosci  2010;30:15628
  135. Glutamine is required for persistent epileptiform activity in the disinhibited neocortical brain slice.
    Authors: Tani Et al.
    J Neurosci  2010;30:1288
  136. Substitution of 5-HT1A receptor signaling by a light-activated G protein-coupled receptor.
    Authors: Oh Et al.
    Front Neural Circuits  2010;285:30825
  137. Presynaptic 5-HT(1B) receptor-mediated serotonergic inhibition of glutamate transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
    Authors: Guo and Rainnie
    Neuroscience  2010;165:1390
  138. Network mechanisms of theta related neuronal activity in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
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