Mca-KPLGL-Dpa-AR-NH2 Fluorogenic Peptide Substrate

Substrate for MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-7, MMP-8, MMP-9, MMP-12, MMP-13, MMP-14, MMP-15, MMP-16, ADAM10, ADAM17/TACE, Cathepsin D, and Cathepsin E
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Citations (26)
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Mca-KPLGL-Dpa-AR-NH2 Fluorogenic Peptide Substrate Summary

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Carrier Free

What does CF mean?

CF stands for Carrier Free (CF). We typically add Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as a carrier protein to our recombinant proteins. Adding a carrier protein enhances protein stability, increases shelf-life, and allows the recombinant protein to be stored at a more dilute concentration. The carrier free version does not contain BSA.

What formulation is right for me?

In general, we advise purchasing the recombinant protein with BSA for use in cell or tissue culture, or as an ELISA standard. In contrast, the carrier free protein is recommended for applications, in which the presence of BSA could interfere.


Shipping The product is shipped with polar packs. Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature recommended below.
Stability & Storage: Samples are stable for up to twelve months from date of receipt at -20° C to -70° C. The substrate can be aliquoted and stored -20° C to -70° C in a manual defrost freezer for six months. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Protect from exposure to direct light.
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Citations for Mca-KPLGL-Dpa-AR-NH2 Fluorogenic Peptide Substrate

R&D Systems personnel manually curate a database that contains references using R&D Systems products. The data collected includes not only links to publications in PubMed, but also provides information about sample types, species, and experimental conditions.

26 Citations: Showing 1 - 10
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  1. Commercial Antivenoms Exert Broad Paraspecific Immunological Binding and In Vitro Inhibition of Medically Important Bothrops Pit Viper Venoms
    Authors: J Alsolaiss, N Alomran, L Hawkins, NR Casewell
    Toxins, 2022-12-20;15(1):.
    Species: Snake
    Sample Types: Venom
    Applications: Bioassay
  2. ADAM10 mediates shedding of carbonic anhydrase IX ectodomain non?redundantly to ADAM17
    Authors: M Zatovicova, I Kajanova, M Takacova, L Jelenska, O Sedlakova, M Labudova, S Pastorekov
    Oncology reports, 2022-12-16;49(2):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Recombinant Protein
    Applications: Bioassay
  3. Physiological constraints dictate toxin spatial heterogeneity in snake venom glands
    Authors: TD Kazandjian, BR Hamilton, SD Robinson, SR Hall, KE Bartlett, P Rowley, MC Wilkinson, NR Casewell, EAB Undheim
    Bmc Biology, 2022-06-27;20(1):148.
    Species: Snake
    Sample Types: Venom
    Applications: Bioassay
  4. Activity-dependent interdomain dynamics of matrix metalloprotease-1 on fibrin
    Authors: L Kumar, J Planas-Igl, C Harms, S Kamboj, D Wright, J Klein-Seet, SK Sarkar
    Sci Rep, 2020-11-26;10(1):20615.
    Species: E. coli
    Sample Types: Protein
    Applications: Bioassay
  5. Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 14 Activates Zymogens of Membrane Type Matrix Metalloproteinases (MT-MMPs)-A CleavEx Based Analysis
    Authors: K Falkowski, E Bielecka, IB Thøgersen, O Boche?ska, K P?aza, M Kali?ska, L S?siadek, M Magoch, A P?cak, M Wi?niewska, N Gruba, M Wysocka, A Wojtysiak, M Brzezi?ska, K Sychowska, A Pejkovska, M Rehders, G Butler, CM Overall, K Brix, G Dubin, A Lesner, A Kozik, JJ Enghild, J Potempa, T Kantyka
    Int J Mol Sci, 2020-06-19;21(12):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Recombinant Protein
    Applications: Bioassay
  6. Efficient protease based purification of recombinant matrix metalloprotease-1 in E. coli
    Authors: L Kumar, W Colomb, J Czerski, CR Cox, SK Sarkar
    Protein Expr. Purif., 2018-04-04;0(0):.
    Applications: Enzyme Assay Substrate
  7. Macrocyclic ?-defensins suppress tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?) shedding by inhibition of TNF-? converting enzyme
    Authors: JB Schaal, T Maretzky, DQ Tran, PA Tran, P Tongaonkar, CP Blobel, AJ Ouellette, ME Selsted
    J. Biol. Chem., 2018-01-09;0(0):.
    Applications: Bioassay
  8. Centrosomal protein 55 activates NF-?B signalling and promotes pancreatic cancer cells aggressiveness
    Authors: T Peng, W Zhou, F Guo, HS Wu, CY Wang, L Wang, ZY Yang
    Sci Rep, 2017-07-19;7(1):5925.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Protein
    Applications: Enzyme Assay
  9. Fluid shear stress activates YAP1 to promote cancer cell motility
    Authors: HJ Lee, MF Diaz, KM Price, JA Ozuna, S Zhang, EM Sevick-Mur, JP Hagan, PL Wenzel
    Nat Commun, 2017-01-18;8(0):14122.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Cell Lysates
  10. Harnessing the natural inhibitory domain to control TNF? Converting Enzyme (TACE) activity in vivo
    Sci Rep, 2016-12-16;6(0):35598.
  11. Tumour-suppressor microRNAs regulate ovarian cancer cell physical properties and invasive behaviour
    Open Biol, 2016-11-01;6(11):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates, Whole Cells
    Applications: Bioassay
  12. Interdomain Contacts and the Stability of Serralysin Protease from Serratia marcescens.
    Authors: Zhang L, Morrison A, Thibodeau P
    PLoS ONE, 2015-09-17;10(9):e0138419.
    Species: Bacteria - Serratia marcescens
    Sample Types: Protein
  13. Expanding the Activity of Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 against Surface-Anchored Metalloproteinases by the Replacement of Its C-Terminal Domain: Implications for Anti-Cancer Effects.
    Authors: Duan J, Rapti M, Tsigkou A, Lee M
    PLoS ONE, 2015-08-26;10(8):e0136384.
  14. Sequential Amyloid-beta Degradation by the Matrix Metalloproteases MMP-2 and MMP-9.
    Authors: Hernandez-Guillamon M, Mawhirt S, Blais S, Montaner J, Neubert T, Rostagno A, Ghiso J
    J Biol Chem, 2015-04-20;290(24):15078-91.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Protein
    Applications: Enzyme Assay
  15. Sensing cytosolic RpsL by macrophages induces lysosomal cell death and termination of bacterial infection.
    Authors: Zhu, Wenhan, Tao, Lili, Quick, Marsha L, Joyce, Johanna, Qu, Jie-Ming, Luo, Zhao-Qin
    PLoS Pathog, 2015-03-04;11(3):e1004704.
    Species: Mouse
    Sample Types: Whole Cells
  16. Modulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by bacterial metalloproteases and protease inhibitors.
    Authors: Butterworth, Michael, Zhang, Liang, Liu, Xiaoning, Shanks, Robert M, Thibodeau, Patrick
    PLoS ONE, 2014-06-25;9(6):e100313.
    Species: Bacteria - Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Sample Types: Protein
    Applications: Bioassay
  17. ADAM17-mediated shedding of FcgammaRIIIA on human NK cells: identification of the cleavage site and relationship with activation.
    Authors: Lajoie L, Congy-Jolivet N, Bolzec A, Gouilleux-Gruart V, Sicard E, Sung H, Peiretti F, Moreau T, Vie H, Clemenceau B, Thibault G
    J Immunol, 2013-12-13;192(2):741-51.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Recombinant Protein
    Applications: Bioassay
  18. Chemotherapy stimulates syndecan-1 shedding: a potentially negative effect of treatment that may promote tumor relapse.
    Authors: Ramani V, Sanderson R
    Matrix Biol, 2013-10-18;35(0):215-22.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Whole Cells
  19. Striking reduction of amyloid plaque burden in an Alzheimer's mouse model after chronic administration of carmustine.
    Authors: Hayes C, Dey D, Palavicini J, Wang H, Patkar K, Minond D, Nefzi A, Lakshmana M
    BMC Med, 2013-03-26;11(0):81.
    Species: Hamster
    Sample Types: Whole Cells
  20. Targeting a single function of the multifunctional matrix metalloprotease MT1-MMP: impact on lymphangiogenesis.
    Authors: Ingvarsen S, Porse A, Erpicum C, Maertens L, Jurgensen H, Madsen D, Melander M, Gardsvoll H, Hoyer-Hansen G, Noel A, Holmbeck K, Engelholm L, Behrendt N
    J Biol Chem, 2013-02-14;288(15):10195-204.
    Species: Mouse
    Sample Types: Protein
    Applications: Enzyme Assay
  21. Cysteamine suppresses invasion, metastasis and prolongs survival by inhibiting matrix metalloproteinases in a mouse model of human pancreatic cancer.
    Authors: Fujisawa T, Rubin B, Suzuki A, Patel PS, Gahl WA, Joshi BH, Puri RK
    PLoS ONE, 2012-04-20;7(4):e34437.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Whole Cells
  22. IGF-1 increases invasive potential of MCF 7 breast cancer cells and induces activation of latent TGF-beta1 resulting in epithelial to mesenchymal transition.
    Authors: Walsh L, Damjanovski S
    Cell Commun Signal, 2011-05-02;9(1):10.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
    Applications: Bioassay
  23. An orally available small imidazolium salt ameliorates inflammation and fibrosis in a murine model of cholestasis.
    Authors: Ding Z, Kng Y, Yang H, Ke Z, Zhuo L
    Lab. Invest., 2011-02-21;91(5):752-63.
    Species: Mouse
    Sample Types: Tissue Homogenates
  24. Regulated release and functional modulation of junctional adhesion molecule A by disintegrin metalloproteinases.
    Authors: Koenen RR, Pruessmeyer J, Soehnlein O, Fraemohs L, Zernecke A, Schwarz N, Reiss K, Sarabi A, Lindbom L, Hackeng TM, Weber C, Ludwig A
    Blood, 2009-03-03;113(19):4799-809.
    Species: Mouse
    Sample Types: Cell Lysates
  25. Hormone-induced expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha-converting enzyme/A disintegrin and metalloprotease-17 impacts porcine cumulus cell oocyte complex expansion and meiotic maturation via ligand activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor.
    Authors: Yamashita Y, Kawashima I, Yanai Y, Nishibori M, Richards JS, Shimada M
    Endocrinology, 2007-09-27;148(12):6164-75.
    Species: Porcine
    Sample Types: Cell Lysates
  26. The shedding activity of ADAM17 is sequestered in lipid rafts.
    Authors: Tellier E, Rebsomen L
    Exp. Cell Res., 2006-09-05;312(20):3969-80.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Whole Cells
    Applications: Bioassay


  1. What other wavelengths would be suitable for the excitation and emission for this peptide substrate?

    • We have only tested this at an excitation wavelength of 320 nm and emission wavelength at 405 nm; please see the following reference for the excitation and emission spectra of the unquenched Mca-Pro-Leu peptide:

      C.G. Knight, et. al, 1992. FEBS Letters 296:263-266

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