Human vWF-A2 DuoSet ELISA

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Human vWF-A2 ELISA Standard Curve
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Citations (12)
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Human vWF-A2 DuoSet ELISA Summary

Assay Type
Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA
96-well strip plate
Sample Volume Required
100 µL
Assay Range
46.9 - 3,000 pg/mL
Sufficient Materials
For five 96-well plates*
Please see the product datasheet

* Provided that the recommended microplates, buffers, diluents, substrates and solutions are used, and the assay is run as summarized in the Assay Procedure provided.

This DuoSet ELISA Development kit contains the basic components required for the development of sandwich ELISAs to measure natural and recombinant vWF-A2. The suggested diluent is suitable for the analysis of most cell culture supernate samples. Diluents for complex matrices, such as serum and plasma, should be evaluated prior to use in this DuoSet.

* Provided that the recommended microplates, buffers, diluents, substrates and solutions are used, and the assay is run as summarized in the Assay Procedure provided.

Product Features

  • Optimized capture and detection antibody pairings with recommended concentrations save lengthy development time
  • Development protocols are provided to guide further assay optimization
  • Assay can be customized to your specific needs
  • Economical alternative to complete kits

Kit Content

  • Capture Antibody
  • Detection Antibody
  • Recombinant Standard
  • Streptavidin conjugated to horseradish-peroxidase (Streptavidin-HRP)

Other Reagents Required

PBS: (Catalog # DY006), or 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 8.1 mM Na2HPO4, 1.5 mM KH2PO4, pH 7.2 - 7.4, 0.2 µm filtered

Wash Buffer: (Catalog # WA126), or equivalent

Reagent Diluent*

Blocking Buffer*

Substrate Solution: 1:1 mixture of Color Reagent A (H2O2) and Color Reagent B (Tetramethylbenzidine) (Catalog # DY999)

Stop Solution: 2 N H2SO4 (Catalog # DY994)

Microplates: R&D Systems (Catalog # DY990), or equivalent

Plate Sealers: ELISA Plate Sealers (Catalog # DY992), or equivalent

*For the Reagent Diluent and Blocking Buffer recommended for a specific DuoSet ELISA Development Kit, please see the product .

Scientific Data

Human vWF-A2 ELISA Standard Curve

Product Datasheets

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Preparation and Storage

The product is shipped at ambient temperature. Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature recommended below.
Stability & Storage
Store the unopened product at 2 - 8 °C. Do not use past expiration date.

Background: vWF-A2

Human vWF is a serum glycoprotein that mediates platelet adhesion to injured vascular endothelium. vWF function is regulated by ADAMTS13 mediated proteolysis within the A2 domain. Mutations of this protease cause thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Long Name:
von Willebrand Factor A2 Domain
Entrez Gene IDs:
7450 (Human); 22371 (Mouse); 116669 (Rat)
Alternate Names:
F8VWF; VWD; VWF von Willebrand factor; vWFA2; vWF-A2

Citations for Human vWF-A2 DuoSet ELISA

R&D Systems personnel manually curate a database that contains references using R&D Systems products. The data collected includes not only links to publications in PubMed, but also provides information about sample types, species, and experimental conditions.

12 Citations: Showing 1 - 10
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  1. Analysis of correlations between gut microbiota, stool short chain fatty acids, calprotectin and cardiometabolic risk factors in postmenopausal women with obesity: a cross-sectional study
    Authors: I ?oniewski, M Szuli?ska, M Kaczmarczy, K Podsiad?o, D Styburski, K Skonieczna, P Bogda?ski
    Journal of Translational Medicine, 2022-12-12;20(1):585.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Feces
  2. Non-HLA Antibodies in Hand Transplant Recipients Are Connected to Multiple Acute Rejection Episodes and Endothelial Activation
    Authors: D Sikorska, D Kami?ska, R Catar, M Banasik, H Heidecke, K Schulze-Fo, K Korybalska, R Rutkowski, J ?uczak, J Jab?ecki, A Oko, P Daroszewsk, M Kusztal, W Samborski
    Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022-02-04;11(3):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Serum
  3. Predictors of Early-Recurrence Atrial Fibrillation after Catheter Ablation in Women and Men with Abnormal Body Weight
    Authors: J Budzianows, J Hiczkiewic, K ?ojewska, E Kawka, R Rutkowski, K Korybalska
    Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021-06-18;10(12):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Serum
  4. Characterization of ADAMTS13 and von Willebrand factor levels in septic and non-septic ICU patients
    Authors: K Singh, AC Kwong, H Madarati, S Kunasekara, T Sparring, AE Fox-Robich, PC Liaw, CA Kretz
    PLoS ONE, 2021-02-19;16(2):e0247017.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Plasma
  5. ICU Admission Levels of Endothelial Biomarkers as Predictors of Mortality in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients
    Authors: AG Vassiliou, C Keskinidou, E Jahaj, P Gallos, I Dimopoulou, A Kotanidou, SE Orfanos
    Cells, 2021-01-19;10(1):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Plasma
  6. Increased circulation time of Plasmodium falciparum underlies persistent asymptomatic infection in the dry season
    Authors: CM Andrade, H Fleckenste, R Thomson-Lu, S Doumbo, NF Lima, C Anderson, J Hibbert, CS Hopp, TM Tran, S Li, M Niangaly, H Cisse, D Doumtabe, J Skinner, D Sturdevant, S Ricklefs, K Virtaneva, M Asghar, MV Homann, L Turner, J Martins, EL Allman, ME N'Dri, V Winkler, M Llinás, C Lavazec, C Martens, A Färnert, K Kayentao, A Ongoiba, T Lavstsen, NS Osório, TD Otto, M Recker, B Traore, PD Crompton, S Portugal
    Nat Med, 2020-10-26;0(0):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Plasma
  7. Serum Exosomal MicroRNAs Predict Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Events in Patients with Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia
    Authors: X Wu, C Wu, W Gu, H Ji, L Zhu
    Biomed Res Int, 2019-08-05;2019(0):3612020.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Serum
  8. Levels and prognostic impact of circulating markers of inflammation, endothelial activation and extracellular matrix remodelling in patients with lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    Authors: J Berg, AR Halvorsen, MB Bengtson, KA Taskén, GM Mælandsmo, A Yndestad, B Halvorsen, OT Brustugun, P Aukrust, T Ueland, Å Helland
    BMC Cancer, 2018;18(1):739.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Serum
  9. Impact of Unsaturated Fatty Acids on Cytokine-Driven Endothelial Cell Dysfunction
    Authors: S Trommer, A Leimert, M Bucher, J Schumann
    Int J Mol Sci, 2017-12-16;18(12):.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
  10. Coagulation imbalance and neurocognitive functioning in older HIV-positive adults on suppressive antiretroviral therapy
    Authors: JL Montoya, J Iudicello, HA Oppenheim, PL Fazeli, M Potter, Q Ma, PJ Mills, RJ Ellis, I Grant, SL Letendre, DJ Moore
    AIDS, 2017-03-27;31(6):787-795.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Plasma
  11. Short-term effects of particle size fractions on circulating biomarkers of inflammation in a panel of elderly subjects and healthy young adults
    Authors: MS Hassanvand, K Naddafi, H Kashani, S Faridi, N Kunzli, R Nabizadeh, F Momeniha, A Gholampour, M Arhami, A Zare, Z Pourpak, M Hoseini, M Yunesian
    Environ. Pollut, 2017-02-10;223(0):695-704.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Plasma
  12. Follicular fluid cytokine composition and oocyte quality of polycystic ovary syndrome patients with metabolic syndrome undergoing in vitro fertilization
    Authors: Z Niu, Y Ye, L Xia, Y Feng, A Zhang
    Cytokine, 2017-01-09;91(0):180-186.
    Species: Human
    Sample Types: Follicular Fluid


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