Protein Kinase C Inhibitors: Products

"Protein Kinase C Inhibitors" has 15 results in Products.
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Go 6983 

Broad spectrum PKC inhibitor

GF 109203X 

Protein kinase C inhibitor

Go 6976 

Potent protein kinase C inhibitor; selective for α and β isozymes

Calphostin C 

Potent, selective and photo-dependent PKC inhibitor


Inhibits Gs and stimulates Gi activity

CRT 0066854 hydrochloride 

PKCι and PKCζ inhibitor

Chelerythrine chloride 

Cell-permeable protein kinase C inhibitor

Ro 32-0432 hydrochloride 

Potent, orally active PKC inhibitor


Reported PKCδ inhibitor

CGP 53353 

Selective inhibitor of PKCβII


Cell-permeable inhibitor of atypical PKC isozyme PKMζ

Bisindolylmaleimide II 

Potent PKC inhibitor; also potent nAChR antagonist

TCS 21311 

Potent JAK3 inhibitor. Also inhibits GSK-3β and PKC


Staurosporine synthesized to Ancillary Material Grade


Staurosporine synthesized to Ancillary Material Grade
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