CD4+ T Cell Subsets

This brochure briefly discusses the characteristics of the different CD4+ T cell subsets. It describes tools that are useful for the isolation, differentiation, identification, and characterization of these subsets. Tools described in the brochure include:

  • MagCellect Cell isolation kits
  • CellXVivo Immune Cell Differentiation and Expansion Kits
  • Recombinant cytokines for CD4+ T cell differentiation
  • Multi-Color Flow Cytometry Kits
  • Antibodies for cell surface markers, transcription factors, and secreted cytokines
  • Single analyte ELISA Kits, Proteome Profiler Antibody Arrays, Luminex® Assays, and Simple Plex Assays for measuring cytokine secretion

CD4+ T Cell Subset Characterization

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