SCH 23390 hydrochloride

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SCH 23390 hydrochloride | CAS No. 125941-87-9 | Dopamine D1 and D5 Receptor Antagonists
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Description: Selective D1-like antagonist; also 5-HT2C agonist and Kir3 channel blocker
Alternative Names: (R)-(+)-SCH 23390 hydrochloride

Chemical Name: (R)-(+)-7-Chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine hydrochloride

Purity: ≥98%

Product Details
Citations (59)
Supplemental Products

Biological Activity

SCH 23390 hydrochloride is a potent dopamine receptor antagonist (Ki values are 0.2 nM and 0.3 nM at D1 and D5 receptor sub-types, respectively). Also an agonist at 5-HT2C receptors in vitro (Ki values are 6.3 - 9.3 nM). Blocks quinpirole-induced Kir3 (GIRK) currents (EC50 = 268 nM) independently of receptors.

Technical Data

Soluble to 100 mM in water with gentle warming and to 50 mM in ethanol
Desiccate at +4°C

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Tocris products are intended for laboratory research use only, unless stated otherwise.

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Citations for SCH 23390 hydrochloride

The citations listed below are publications that use Tocris products. Selected citations for SCH 23390 hydrochloride include:

59 Citations: Showing 1 - 10

  1. Cell-type-specific optogenetic stimulation of the locus coeruleus induces slow-onset potentiation and enhances everyday memory in rats.
    Authors: Tsea Et al.
    Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.  2023;120:e2307275120
  2. Polysynaptic inhibition between striatal cholinergic interneurons shapes their network activity patterns in a dopamine-dependent manner
    Authors: Dorst Et al.
    Nat Commun  2020;11:5113
  3. DA Receptor Subtypes Mediate Opposing Effects on Form Deprivation Myopia in Pigmented Guinea Pigs.
    Authors: Zhang Et al.
    Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci  2018;59(11):4441
  4. Selective blockade of spinal D2DR by levo-corydalmine attenuates MOR tolerance via suppressing PI3K/Akt-MAPK signaling in a MOR-dependent manner.
    Authors: Dai Et al.
    Exp Mol Med  2018;50:148
  5. Altered Baseline and Nicotine-Mediated Behavioral and Cholinergic Profiles in ChAT-Cre Mouse Lines.
    Authors: Chen Et al.
    J Neurosci  2018;38:2177
  6. DA Cells Differentially Regulate Striatal Cholinergic Transmission across Regions through Corelease of DA and Glutamate.
    Authors: Cai and Ford
    Cell Rep  2018;25:3148
  7. The small molecule CA140 inhibits the neuroinflammatory response in wild-type mice and a mouse model of AD.
    Authors: Lee Et al.
    J Neuroinflammation  2018;15:286
  8. Fasting biases μ-opioid receptors toward β-arrestin2 dependent signaling in the accumbens shell.
    Authors: Scheggi
    Neuroscience  2017;352:19
  9. DA D4 receptor activation restores CA1 LTP in hippocampal slices from aged mice.
    Authors: Guo
    Aging Cell  2017;16(6):1323
  10. Nicotinic and opioid receptor regulation of striatal DA D2-receptor mediated transmission
    Authors: Mamaligas Et al.
    Scientific Reports  2016;6:37834
  11. The First Alcohol Drink Triggers mTORC1-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity in Nucleus Accumbens DA D1 Receptor Neurons.
    Authors: Beckley Et al.
    J Neurosci  2016;36:701
  12. The σ1 receptor regulates accumulation of GM1 ganglioside-enriched autophagosomes in astrocytes
    Authors: Kasaharaa Et al.
    Neuroscience  2016;340:176
  13. Prostaglandin-dependent modulation of DArgic neurotransmission elicits inflammation-induced aversion in mice.
    Authors: Fritz Et al.
    J Clin Invest  2016;126:695
  14. Endogenous 17β-OE is required for activity-dependent long-term potentiation in the striatum: interaction with the DArgic system.
    Authors: Tozzi Et al.
    Front Cell Neurosci  2015;9:192
  15. L-Stepholidine rescues memory deficit and synaptic plasticity in models of Alzheimer's disease via activating DA D1 receptor/PKA signaling pathway.
    Authors: Hao Et al.
    Cell Death Dis  2015;6:e1965
  16. Retroactive modulation of spike timing-dependent plasticity by DA.
    Authors: Brzosko Et al.
    Elife  2015;4
  17. Incubation of metha. craving is associated with selective increases in expression of Bdnf and trkb, glutamate receptors, and epigenetic enzymes in cue-activated fos-expressing dorsal striatal neurons.
    Authors: Li Et al.
    Learn Mem  2015;35:8232
  18. Spinal DArgic projections control the transition to pathological pain plasticity via a D1/D5-mediated mechanism.
    Authors: Kim Et al.
    J Neurosci  2015;35:6307
  19. Evaluation of AaDOP2 receptor antagonists reveals antidepressants and antipsychotics as novel lead molecules for control of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti.
    Authors: Conley Et al.
    PLoS One  2015;352:53
  20. DArgic modulation of appetitive trace conditioning: the role of D1 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex.
    Authors: Pezze Et al.
    Behav Neurosci  2015;232:2669
  21. Regionally selective requirement for D1/D5 DArgic neurotransmission in the medial prefrontal cortex in object-in-place associative recognition memory.
    Authors: Savalli Et al.
    PLoS One  2015;22:69
  22. A critical role of nucleus accumbens DA D1-family receptors in renewal of alcohol seeking after punishment-imposed abstinence.
    Authors: Marchant and Kaganovsky
    PLoS One  2015;129:281
  23. Pharmacological Characterization of 5-HT1A Autoreceptor-Coupled GIRK Channels in Rat Dorsal Raphe 5-HT Neurons.
    Authors: Montalbano Et al.
    J Pharmacol Exp Ther  2015;10:e0140369
  24. Blocking DArgic Signaling Soon after Learning Impairs Memory Consolidation in Guinea Pigs.
    Authors: Lee and Chirwa
    Nat Neurosci  2015;10:e0135578
  25. DA Promotes Motor Cortex Plasticity and Motor Skill Learning via PLC Activation.
    Authors: Rioult-Pedotti Et al.
    PLoS One  2015;10:e0124986
  26. Effect of DArgic D1 receptors on plasticity is dependent of serotoninergic 5-HT1A receptors in L5-pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex.
    Authors: Meunier Et al.
    PLoS One  2015;10:e0120286
  27. Phasic DA release drives rapid activation of striatal D2-receptors.
    Authors: Marcott Et al.
    Neuron  2014;84:164
  28. Characterization of the guinea pig animal model and subsequent comparison of the behavioral effects of selective DArgic drugs and metha.
    Authors: Lee Et al.
    Synapse  2014;68:221
  29. Differential role of D1 and D2 receptors in the perifornical lateral hypothalamus in controlling ethanol drinking and food intake: possible interaction with local orexin neurons.
    Authors: Chen Et al.
    Alcohol Clin Exp Res  2014;38:777
  30. Korean Red Ginseng attenuates anxiety-like behavior during ethanol withdrawal in rats.
    Authors: Zhao Et al.
    Br J Pharmacol  2014;38:256
  31. DArgic modulation of GABAergic transmission in the entorhinal cortex: concerted roles of α1 adrenoreceptors, inward rectifier K+, and T-type Ca2+ channels.
    Authors: Cilz Et al.
    Cereb Cortex  2014;24:3195
  32. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 knockout promotes motor and biochemical alterations in a mouse model of Huntington's disease.
    Authors: Ribeiro Et al.
    J Neurosci  2014;23:2030
  33. DA D1 and corticotrophin-releasing hormone type-2α receptors assemble into functionally interacting complexes in living cells.
    Authors: Fuenzalida Et al.
    J Clin Invest  2014;171:5650
  34. Extinction of remotely acquired fear depends on an inhibitory NR2B/PKA pathway in the retrosplenial cortex.
    Authors: Corcoran Et al.
    J Neurosci  2013;33:19492
  35. Age-dependent regulation of synaptic connections by DA D2 receptors.
    Authors: Jia Et al.
    Nat Neurosci  2013;16:1627
  36. Sucrose produces withdrawal and DA-sensitive reinforcing effects in planarians.
    Authors: Zhang Et al.
    Physiol Behav  2013;112-113:8
  37. SKF83959, an agonist of phosphatidylinositol-linked D(1)-like receptors, promotes ERK1/2 activation and cell migration in cultured rat astrocytes.
    Authors: Huang Et al.
    Neuroscience  2012;7:e49954
  38. Stimulation of DA receptor D5 expressed on dendritic cells potentiates Th17-mediated immunity.
    Authors: Prado Et al.
    Psychopharmacology (Berl)  2012;188:3062
  39. Mephedrone ('bath salt') elicits conditioned place preference and DA-sensitive motor activation.
    Authors: Lisek Et al.
    Drug Alcohol Depend  2012;126:257
  40. Synergistic activation of DA D1 and TrkB receptors mediate gain control of synaptic plasticity in the basolateral amygdala.
    Authors: Li Et al.
    PLoS One  2011;6:e26065
  41. DA-induced plasticity, phospholipase D (PLD) activity and cocaine-cue behavior depend on PLD-linked metabotropic glutamate receptors in amygdala.
    Authors: Krishnan Et al.
    PLoS One.  2011;6:e25639
  42. Exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields induces fos-related antigen-immunoreactivity via activation of DArgic d1 receptor.
    Authors: Shin Et al.
    Hum Mol Genet  2011;20:130
  43. DA receptor mechanisms mediate corticotropin-releasing factor-induced long-term potentiation in the rat amygdala following cocaine withdrawal.
    Authors: Krishnan Et al.
    Eur J Neurosci  2010;31:1027
  44. DA-dependent tuning of striatal inhibitory synaptogenesis.
    Authors: Goffin Et al.
    J Neurosci  2010;30:2935
  45. Differential effects of selective adenosine antagonists on the effort-related impairments induced by DA D1 and D2 antagonism.
    Authors: Nunes Et al.
    Neuroscience  2010;170:268
  46. Amphetamine up-regulates activator of G-protein signaling 1 mRNA and protein levels in rat frontal cortex: the role of DA and glucocorticoid receptors.
    Authors: Schwendt and McGinty
    J Neurosci  2010;168:96
  47. MeCP2 in the nucleus accumbens contributes to neural and behavioral responses to psychostimulants.
    Authors: Deng Et al.
    J Ginseng Res  2010;13:1128
  48. Amphetamine modulation of long-term potentiation in the prefrontal cortex: dose dependency, monoaminergic contributions, and paradoxical rescue in hyperDArgic mutant.
    Authors: Xu Et al.
    Exp Neurobiol  2010;115:1643
  49. Post-translational modification of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 by intermittent hypoxia: evidence for the involvement of DA D1 receptor signaling.
    Authors: Raghuraman Et al.
    J Neurochem  2010;115:1568
  50. HyperDArgic tone erodes prefrontal long-term potential via a D2 receptor-operated protein phosphatase gate.
    Authors: Xu Et al.
    J Immunol  2009;29:14086
  51. DA neuron glutamate cotransmission: frequency-dependent modulation in the mesoventromedial projection.
    Authors: Chuhma Et al.
    Neuroscience  2009;164:1068
  52. Activation of phosphatidylinositol-linked novel D1 DA receptors inhibits high-voltage-activated Ca2+ currents in primary cultured striatal neurons.
    Authors: Ma Et al.
    J Neurophysiol  2009;101:2230
  53. Electrophysiology and pharmacology of striatal neuronal dysfunction induced by mitochondrial complex I inhibition.
    Authors: Costa Et al.
    J Neurosci  2008;28:8040
  54. DA enhances fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the extended amygdala by a CRF-R1-dependent process.
    Authors: Kash Et al.
    J Neurochem  2008;28:13856
  55. Coregulation of natively expressed pertussis toxin-sensitive muscarinic receptors with G-protein-activated potassium channels.
    Authors: Clancy Et al.
    PLoS One  2007;27:6388
  56. Cellular localization and function of DARPP-32 in the rodent retina.
    Authors: Witkovsky Et al.
    Eur J Neurosci  2007;25:3233
  57. Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibition increases pain sensitivity through activation of both beta2- and beta3-adrenergic receptors.
    Authors: Nackley Et al.
    Pain  2007;128:199
  58. Prolonged wakefulness induces experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in mouse hypocretin/orexin neurons.
    Authors: Rao Et al.
    J Neurosci  2007;117:4022
  59. DA targets cycling B cells independent of receptors/transporter for oxidative attack: Implications for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
    Authors: Meredith Et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2006;103:13485


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