Human Leptin DuoSet ELISA Summary
* Provided that the recommended microplates, buffers, diluents, substrates and solutions are used, and the assay is run as summarized in the Assay Procedure provided.
This DuoSet ELISA Development kit contains the basic components required for the development of sandwich ELISAs to measure natural and recombinant human Leptin. The suggested diluent is suitable for the analysis of most cell culture supernate samples. Diluents for complex matrices, such as serum and plasma, should be evaluated prior to use in this DuoSet.
Product Features
- Optimized capture and detection antibody pairings with recommended concentrations save lengthy development time
- Development protocols are provided to guide further assay optimization
- Assay can be customized to your specific needs
- Economical alternative to complete kits
Kit Content
- Capture Antibody
- Detection Antibody
- Recombinant Standard
- Streptavidin conjugated to horseradish-peroxidase (Streptavidin-HRP)
Other Reagents Required
DuoSet Ancillary Reagent Kit 2 (5 plates): (Catalog # DY008) containing 96 well microplates, plate sealers, substrate solution, stop solution, plate coating buffer (PBS), wash buffer, and Reagent Diluent Concentrate 2.
The components listed above may be purchased separately:
PBS: (Catalog # DY006), or 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 8.1 mM Na2HPO4, 1.5 mM KH2PO4, pH 7.2 - 7.4, 0.2 µm filtered
Wash Buffer: (Catalog # WA126), or 0.05% Tween® 20 in PBS, pH 7.2-7.4
Reagent Diluent: (Catalog # DY995), or 1% BSA in PBS, pH 7.2-7.4, 0.2 µm filtered
Substrate Solution: 1:1 mixture of Color Reagent A (H2O2) and Color Reagent B (Tetramethylbenzidine) (Catalog # DY999)
Stop Solution: 2 N H2SO4 (Catalog # DY994)
Microplates: R&D Systems (Catalog # DY990)
Plate Sealers: ELISA Plate Sealers (Catalog # DY992)
Scientific Data
Product Datasheets
Preparation and Storage
Background: Leptin/OB
Leptin is a product of the mouse obese gene. Mice with mutations in the obese gene that block the synthesis of leptin are obese and diabetic, and have reduced activity, metabolism, and body temperature. Rat leptin shares approximately 96% and 82% sequence identity with the mouse and human protein, respectively. The expression of leptin mRNA is restricted to adipose tissue.
Assay Procedure
Plate Preparation
- Dilute the Capture Antibody to the working concentration in PBS without carrier protein. Immediately coat a 96-well microplate with 100 μL per well of the diluted Capture Antibody. Seal the plate and incubate overnight at room temperature.
- Aspirate each well and wash with Wash Buffer, repeating the process two times for a total of three washes. Wash by filling each well with Wash Buffer (400 μL) using a squirt bottle, manifold dispenser, or autowasher. Complete removal of liquid at each step is essential for good performance. After the last wash, remove any remaining Wash Buffer by aspirating or by inverting the plate and blotting it against clean paper towels.
- Block plates by adding 300 μL Reagent Diluent to each well. Incubate at room temperature for a minimum of 1 hour.
- Repeat the aspiration/wash as in step 2. The plates are now ready for sample addition.
Assay Procedure
- Add 100 μL of sample or standards in Reagent Diluent, or an appropriate diluent, per well. Cover with an adhesive strip and incubate 2 hours at room temperature.
- Repeat the aspiration/wash as in step 2 of Plate Preparation.
- Add 100 μL of the Detection Antibody, diluted in Reagent Diluent, to each well. Cover with a new adhesive strip and incubate 2 hours at room temperature.
- Repeat the aspiration/wash as in step 2 of Plate Preparation.
- Add 100 μL of the working dilution of Streptavidin-HRP to each well. Cover the plate and incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature. Avoid placing the plate in direct light.
- Repeat the aspiration/wash as in step 2.
- Add 100 μL of Substrate Solution to each well. Incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature. Avoid placing the plate in direct light.
- Add 50 μL of Stop Solution to each well. Gently tap the plate to ensure thorough mixing.
- Determine the optical density of each well immediately, using a microplate reader set to 450 nm. If wavelength correction is available, set to 540 nm or 570 nm. If wavelength correction is not available, subtract readings at 540 nm or 570 nm from the readings at 450 nm. This subtraction will correct for optical imperfections in the plate. Readings made directly at 450 nm without correction may be higher and less accurate.
Citations for Human Leptin DuoSet ELISA
R&D Systems personnel manually curate a database that contains references using R&D Systems products. The data collected includes not only links to publications in PubMed, but also provides information about sample types, species, and experimental conditions.
Citations: Showing 1 - 10
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Myocardial transcriptomic analysis of diabetic patients with aortic stenosis: key role for mitochondrial calcium signaling
Authors: Cherpaz, M;Meugnier, E;Seillier, G;Pozzi, M;Pierrard, R;Leboube, S;Farhat, F;Vola, M;Obadia, JF;Amaz, C;Chalabreysse, L;May, C;Chanon, S;Brun, C;Givre, L;Bidaux, G;Mewton, N;Derumeaux, G;Bergerot, C;Paillard, M;Thibault, H;
Cardiovascular diabetology
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Cognitive function is associated with performance in time up and go test and with leptin blood levels in community-dwelling older women
Authors: da Costa Teixeira, LA;Soares, LA;Lima, LP;Avelar, NCP;de Moura, JA;Leopoldino, AAO;Figueiredo, PHS;Parentoni, AN;Mendonça, VA;Lacerda, ACR;
Scientific reports
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
The strong inverse association between plasma concentrations of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors type 1 with adiponectin/leptin ratio in older women
Authors: Augusto da Costa Teixeira, L;Rocha-Vieira, E;Aparecida Soares, L;Mota de Oliveira, F;Aparecida Oliveira Leopoldino, A;Netto Parentoni, A;Amaral Mendonça, V;Cristina Rodrigues Lacerda, A;
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Circulating Adipocytokines and Insulin Like-Growth Factors and Their Modulation in Obesity-Associated Endometrial Cancer
Authors: Ray, I;Möller-Levet, CS;Michael, A;Butler-Manuel, S;Chatterjee, J;Tailor, A;Ellis, PE;Meira, LB;
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Sampling Procedures for Estimating the Infant Intake of Human Milk Leptin, Adiponectin, Insulin, Glucose, and Total Lipid
Authors: Suwaydi, M;Lai, C;Gridneva, Z;Perrella, S;Wlodek, M;Geddes, D;
Species: Human
Sample Types: Breast Milk
Relationships between Circulating Biomarkers and Body Composition Parameters in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: A Community-Based Study
Authors: Tarabeih, N;Kalinkovich, A;Ashkenazi, S;Cherny, SS;Shalata, A;Livshits, G;
International journal of molecular sciences
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Association between biomarkers of redox status and cytokines with different patterns of habitual physical activity in eutrophic and overweight/obese preschoolers: multivariate analysis of a cross-sectional study
Authors: Viegas, ÂA;Santos, T;Nobre, JNP;Santos, JMD;Silva Lage, VKD;Fernandes, AC;Peixoto, MFD;Morais, RLS;Sartorio, A;Mendonça, VA;Lacerda, ACR;
BMC public health
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Circadian Variation in Human Milk Hormones and Macronutrients
Authors: Suwaydi, MA;Lai, CT;Rea, A;Gridneva, Z;Perrella, SL;Wlodek, ME;Geddes, DT;
Species: Human
Sample Types: Breast Milk
Dysregulation of adipokines levels among healthy first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetes patients
Authors: Purnamasari, D;Simanjuntak, CK;Tricaesario, C;Tahapary, DL;Harbuwono, DS;Yunir, E;
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Effects of an Intervention with Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 on Five Selected Age-Related Biomarkers in Elderly Swedes Low in Selenium: Results That Point to an Anti-Ageing Effect-A Sub-Analysis of a Previous Prospective Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Randomised Clinical Trial
Authors: Alehagen, U;Alexander, J;Aaseth, JO;Larsson, A;Svensson, E;Opstad, TB;
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Inflammatory biomarkers at different stages of Sarcopenia in older women
Authors: da Costa Teixeira, LA;Avelar, NCP;Peixoto, MFD;Parentoni, AN;Santos, JMD;Pereira, FSM;Danielewicz, AL;Leopoldino, AAO;Costa, SP;Arrieiro, AN;Soares, LA;da Silva Lage, VK;Prates, ACN;Taiar, R;de Carvalho Bastone, A;Oliveira, VC;Oliveira, MX;Costa, HS;Nobre, JNP;Brant, FP;Duarte, TC;Figueiredo, PHS;Mendonça, VA;Lacerda, ACR;
Scientific reports
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Hypoxia Preconditioned Serum (HPS) Promotes Proliferation and Chondrogenic Phenotype of Chondrocytes In Vitro
Authors: Jiang, J;Altammar, J;Cong, X;Ramsauer, L;Steinbacher, V;Dornseifer, U;Schilling, AF;Machens, HG;Moog, P;
International journal of molecular sciences
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Increased plasma lipopolysaccharide-binding protein and altered inflammatory mediators in overweight women suggest a state of subclinical endotoxemia
Authors: Metz, CN;Xue, X;Chatterjee, PK;Adelson, R;Brines, M;Tracey, KJ;Gregersen, PK;Pavlov, VA;
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
High Glucose Promotes Inflammation and Weakens Placental Defenses against E. coli and S. agalactiae Infection: Protective Role of Insulin and Metformin
Authors: R Jiménez-Es, D Vargas-Alc, P Flores-Esp, AC Helguera-R, O Villavicen, I Mancilla-H, C Irles, YD Torres-Ram, MY Valdespino, P Velázquez-, R Zamora-Esc, M Islas-Lópe, C Carranco-S, L Díaz, V Zaga-Clave, A Olmos-Orti
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023-03-09;24(6):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Placental Supernates
Obesity promotes radioresistance through SERPINE1-mediated aggressiveness and DNA repair of triple-negative breast cancer
Authors: YH Su, YZ Wu, DK Ann, JL Chen, CY Kuo
Cell Death & Disease, 2023-01-21;14(1):53.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Association between Anti-DENV IgM Serum Prevalence and CD11b Expression by Classical Monocytes in Obesity
Authors: KB Costa, BCC Garcia, MLB Costa, YG Pena, EAB Figueiredo, MHF Ottoni, JD Santos, V de Oliveir, DB de Oliveir, E Rocha-Viei
Viruses, 2023-01-14;15(1):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Adiponectin Is a Contributing Factor of Low Appendicular Lean Mass in Older Community-Dwelling Women: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: LAC Teixeira, JM Dos Santos, AN Parentoni, LP Lima, TC Duarte, FP Brant, CDC Neves, FSM Pereira, NCP Avelar, AL Danielewic, AAO Leopoldino, SP Costa, AN Arrieiro, LA Soares, ACN Prates, JNP Nobre, A de Carvalh, VC de Oliveir, MX Oliveira, PH Scheidt Fi, HS Costa, V Amaral Men, R Taiar, AC Rodrigues
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022-12-02;11(23):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Blood orange juice intake modulates plasma and PBMC microRNA expression in overweight and insulin resistance women: impact on MAPK and NFkappaB signaling pathways
Authors: VC Capetini, BJ Quintanilh, DC de Oliveir, AH Nishioka, LA de Matos, LRP Ferreira, FM Ferreira, GR Sampaio, NMA Hassimotto, FM Lajolo, RA Fock, MM Rogero
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 2022-11-26;0(0):109240.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Exercise training-induced changes in immunometabolic markers in youth badminton athletes
Authors: FE Rossi, AJ Maldonado, JM Cholewa, SLG Ribeiro, CA de Araújo, C Figueiredo, T Reichel, K Krüger, FS Lira, LG Minuzzi
Scientific Reports, 2022-09-15;12(1):15539.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Association between Leptin (G2548A) and Leptin Receptor (Q223R) Polymorphisms with Plasma Leptin, BMI, Stress, Sleep and Eating Patterns among the Multiethnic Young Malaysian Adult Population from a Healthcare University
Authors: J Mohanraj, UJA D'Souza, SY Fong, IR Karkada, H Jaiprakash
Oncogene, 2022-07-21;19(14):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Exogenous leptin enhances markers of airway fibrosis in a mouse model of chronic allergic airways disease
Authors: MD Ihrie, VL McQuade, JT Womble, A Hegde, MS McCravy, CVG Lacuesta, RM Tighe, LG Que, JKL Walker, JL Ingram
Respiratory Research, 2022-05-24;23(1):131.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate substitutes accelerate human adipogenesis through PPARgamma activation and cause oxidative stress and impaired metabolic homeostasis in mature adipocytes
Authors: A Schaffert, I Karkossa, E Ueberham, R Schlichtin, K Walter, J Arnold, M Blüher, JT Heiker, J Lehmann, M Wabitsch, BI Escher, M von Bergen, K Schubert
Environment international, 2022-05-06;164(0):107279.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Exercise Training Combined with Calanus Oil Supplementation Improves the Central Cardiodynamic Function in Older Women
Authors: M Št?pán, K Da?ová, M Matouš, E Krauzová, L Sontáková, M Koc, T Larsen, O Kuda, V Štich, L Rossmeislo, M Šiklová
Nutrients, 2021-12-29;14(1):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Plasma Leptin Is Increased in Intensive Care Patients with COVID-19-An Investigation Performed in the PronMed-Cohort
Authors: A Larsson, M Lipcsey, M Hultström, R Frithiof, M Eriksson
Biomedicines, 2021-12-21;10(1):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Adiponectin and Stnfr2 peripheral levels are associated with cardiovascular risk in patients with schizophrenia
Authors: ICS Dias, SM de Campos-, ELM Vieira, APL Mota, PS Azevedo, VTDS Anício, FC Guimarães, LM Mantovani, BF Cruz, AL Teixeira, JV Salgado
Journal of psychiatric research, 2021-11-09;0(0):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Gestational Weight Gain Influences the Adipokine-Oxidative Stress Association during Pregnancy
Authors: JM Solis Pare, O Perichart, A Montoya Es, E Reyes Muño, S Espino Y S, V Ortega Cas, D Medina Bas, M Tolentino, M Sanchez Ma, S Nava Salaz, G Estrada Gu
Obesity facts, 2021-09-14;0(0):1-9.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Altered cardiometabolic profile in girls with central precocious puberty and adipokines: A propensity score matching analysis
Authors: JN Zurita-Cru, MA Villasís-K, L Manuel-Apo, L Damasio-Sa, A Gutierrez-, G Wakida-Kus, M Padilla-Ro, C Maldonado-, E Garrido-Ma, AJ Rivera-Her, E Nishimura-
Cytokine, 2021-07-30;0(0):155660.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Fecal microbial transplantation and fiber supplementation in patients with severe obesity and metabolic syndrome: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial
Authors: V Mocanu, Z Zhang, EC Deehan, DH Kao, N Hotte, S Karmali, DW Birch, KK Samarasing, J Walter, KL Madsen
Nature Medicine, 2021-07-05;27(7):1272-1279.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Alternatives for the worse: Molecular insights into adverse effects of bisphenol a and substitutes during human adipocyte differentiation
Authors: A Schaffert, L Krieg, J Weiner, R Schlichtin, E Ueberham, I Karkossa, M Bauer, K Landgraf, KM Junge, M Wabitsch, J Lehmann, BI Escher, AC Zenclussen, A Körner, M Blüher, JT Heiker, M von Bergen, K Schubert
Environment international, 2021-06-27;156(0):106730.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
The dynamics of human bone marrow adipose tissue in response to feeding and fasting
Authors: PK Fazeli, MA Bredella, OG Pachon-Peñ, W Zhao, X Zhang, AT Faje, M Resulaj, SP Polineni, TM Holmes, H Lee, EK O'Donnell, OA MacDougald, MC Horowitz, CJ Rosen, A Klibanski
JCI Insight, 2021-06-22;0(0):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Predictors of Early-Recurrence Atrial Fibrillation after Catheter Ablation in Women and Men with Abnormal Body Weight
Authors: J Budzianows, J Hiczkiewic, K ?ojewska, E Kawka, R Rutkowski, K Korybalska
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021-06-18;10(12):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Reduction in Maternal Energy Intake during Lactation Decreased Maternal Body Weight and Concentrations of Leptin, Insulin and Adiponectin in Human Milk without Affecting Milk Production, Milk Macronutrient Composition or Infant Growth
Authors: GE Leghi, MJ Netting, CT Lai, A Narayanan, M Dymock, A Rea, ME Wlodek, DT Geddes, BS Muhlhausle
Nutrients, 2021-05-31;13(6):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Breast Milk
Impact of the Uncoupling Protein 1 on Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Authors: LI Lyngfelt, MC Erlandsson, M Nadali, S Hedjazifar, R Pullerits, KM Andersson, P Brembeck, ST Silfverswä, U Smith, MI Bokarewa
Cells, 2021-05-07;10(5):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
The effect of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on the fetal compartment
Authors: TPB De Luccia, E Ono, R Menon, AU Borbely, R Mattar, L Richardson, ALM da Silva, RM Botelho, MLTLF da Rocha, S Daher
Journal of reproductive immunology, 2021-03-24;145(0):103314.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Body mass index and serum levels of soluble leptin receptor are sex-specifically related to alcohol binge drinking behavior
Authors: P Bouna-Pyrr, C Muehle, J Kornhuber, C Weinland, B Lenz
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2021-02-25;127(0):105179.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Reduced concentrations of the B cell cytokine Interleukin 38 are associated with cardiovascular disease risk in overweight subjects
Authors: DM de Graaf, M Jaeger, ICL van den Mu, RT Horst, K Schraa, J Zwaag, M Kox, M Fujita, T Yamauchi, L Mercurio, S Madonna, JHW Rutten, J de Graaf, NP Riksen, FL van de Vee, MG Netea, LAB Joosten, CA Dinarello
Eur J Immunol, 2020-11-19;0(0):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
First trimester secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 4 and other adipokine serum concentrations in women developing gestational diabetes mellitus
Authors: JHN Schuitemak, RHJ Beernink, A Franx, TIFH Cremers, MPH Koster
PLoS ONE, 2020-11-18;15(11):e0242423.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
BCG vaccination in humans inhibits systemic inflammation in a sex-dependent manner
Authors: VACM Koeken, LCJ de Bree, VP Mourits, SJ Moorlag, J Walk, B Cirovic, RJ Arts, M Jaeger, H Dijkstra, H Lemmers, LA Joosten, CS Benn, R van Crevel, M Netea
J. Clin. Invest., 2020-10-01;0(0):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Maternal Anthropometric Factors and Circulating Adipokines as Predictors of Birth Weight and Length
Authors: D Mazurek, M Bronkowska
Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020-07-03;17(13):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Using a cultural dance program to increase sustainable physical activity for breast cancer survivors-A pilot study
Authors: LWM Loo, K Nishibun, L Welsh, T Makolo, CD Chong, I Pagano, H Yu, EO Bantum
Complement Ther Med, 2019-09-21;47(0):102197.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Whey Protein Supplementation Compared to Collagen Increases Blood Nesfatin Concentrations and Decreases Android Fat in Overweight Women: A Randomized Double-Blind Study
Authors: BM Giglio, RM Schincagli, AS da Silva, ICS Fazani, PA Monteiro, JF Mota, JP Cunha, C Pichard, GD Pimentel
Nutrients, 2019-09-02;11(9):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Growth and differentiation factor 15 is a biomarker for low back pain-associated disability
Authors: N Tarabeih, A Shalata, S Trofimov, A Kalinkovic, G Livshits
Cytokine, 2019-02-15;117(0):8-14.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Impact to short-term high intensity intermittent training on different storages of body fat, leptin and soluble leptin receptor levels in physically active non-obese men: A pilot investigation
Authors: RS Caldeira, VLG Panissa, DS Inoue, EZ Campos, PA Monteiro, BM Giglio, GD Pimentel, P Hofmann, FS Lira
Clin Nutr ESPEN, 2018-09-07;28(0):186-192.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Effects of the inspiratory muscle training and aerobic training on respiratory and functional parameters, inflammatory biomarkers, redox status and quality of life in hemodialysis patients: A randomized clinical trial
Authors: PHS Figueiredo, MMO Lima, HS Costa, JB Martins, OD Flecha, PF Gonçalves, FL Alves, VGB Rodrigues, EHB Maciel, VA Mendonça, ACR Lacerda, ÉLM Vieira, AL Teixeira, F de Paula, CH Balthazar
PLoS ONE, 2018-07-26;13(7):e0200727.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Impact of rural-urban environment on metabolic profile and response to a 5-day high-fat diet
Authors: DL Tahapary, K de Ruiter, F Kurniawan, Y Djuardi, Y Wang, SME Nurdin, E Iskandar, D Minggu, E Yunir, B Guigas, T Supali, PCN Rensen, E Sartono, P Soewondo, DS Harbuwono, JWA Smit, M Yazdanbakh
Sci Rep, 2018-05-25;8(1):8149.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
The effects of intensified training on resting metabolic rate (RMR), body composition and performance in trained cyclists
Authors: AL Woods, AJ Rice, LA Garvican-L, AM Wallett, B Lundy, MA Rogers, M Welvaert, S Halson, A McKune, KG Thompson
PLoS ONE, 2018-02-14;13(2):e0191644.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Gender differences of cannabis smoking on serum leptin levels: population-based study
Authors: FP Moreira, CD Wiener, JF Oliveira, LDM Souza, RA da Silva, LV Portela, DR Lara, K Jansen, JP Oses
Rev Bras Psiquiatr, 2018-02-01;0(0):0.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
High Expression of STAT3 in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Associates with Cardiovascular Risk in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Authors: M Nadali, R Pullerits, KME Andersson, ST Silfverswä, MC Erlandsson, MI Bokarewa
Int J Mol Sci, 2017-11-13;18(11):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
The adipokine leptin modulates adventitial pericyte functions by autocrine and paracrine signalling
Authors: F Riu, SC Slater, EJ Garcia, I Rodriguez-, V Alvino, E Avolio, G Mangialard, A Cordaro, S Satchell, C Zebele, A Caporali, G Angelini, P Madeddu
Sci Rep, 2017-07-14;7(1):5443.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Presence of IL-17 in synovial fluid identifies a potential inflammatory osteoarthritic phenotype
Authors: SJ Snelling, S Bas, GJ Puskas, SG Dakin, D Suva, A Finckh, C Gabay, P Hoffmeyer, AJ Carr, A Lübbeke
PLoS ONE, 2017-04-11;12(4):e0175109.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Associations between Maternal Body Composition and Appetite Hormones and Macronutrients in Human Milk
Authors: S Kuganantha, Z Gridneva, CT Lai, AR Hepworth, PJ Mark, F Kakulas, DT Geddes
Nutrients, 2017-03-09;9(3):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Milk
Obesity-induced diet leads to weight gain, systemic metabolic alterations, adipose tissue inflammation, hepatic steatosis, and oxidative stress in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus)
Authors: LL Ventura, NC Fortes, HC Santiago, MV Caliari, MA Gomes, DR Oliveira
PeerJ, 2017-03-02;5(0):e2967.
Species: Gerbil
Sample Types: Tissue Homogenates
Effect of Human Milk Appetite Hormones, Macronutrients, and Infant Characteristics on Gastric Emptying and Breastfeeding Patterns of Term Fully Breastfed Infants
Authors: Zoya Gridneva
Nutrients, 2016-12-28;9(1):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Breast Milk
Secretory activity of subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue in male patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis - association with clinical and laboratory data
Authors: Ewa Kontny
Reumatologia, 2016-11-28;54(5):227-235.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Tissue Extracts
Association study of arcuate nucleus neuropeptide Y neuron receptor gene variation and serum NPY levels in clozapine treated patients with schizophrenia
Authors: E Leinonen
Eur. Psychiatry, 2016-11-10;40(0):13-19.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Leptin Levels Are Higher in Whole Compared to Skim Human Milk, Supporting a Cellular Contribution
Authors: Foteini Kakulas
Nutrients, 2016-11-08;8(11):.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Milk
A Multifactorial Weight Reduction Programme for Children with Overweight and Asthma: A Randomized Controlled Trial
PLoS ONE, 2016-06-13;11(6):e0157158.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Characterization of In Vitro Engineered Human Adipose Tissues: Relevant Adipokine Secretion and Impact of TNF-alpha.
Authors: Aubin K, Safoine M, Proulx M, Audet-Casgrain M, Côté J, Tetu F, Roy A, Fradette J
PLoS ONE, 2015-09-14;10(9):e0137612.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Human adipose tissue conditioned media from lean subjects is protective against H2O2 induced neurotoxicity in human SH-SY5Y neuronal cells.
Authors: Wan Z, Mah D, Simtchouk S, Kluftinger A, Little J
Int J Mol Sci, 2015-01-06;16(1):1221-31.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Creating capillary networks within human engineered tissues: Impact of adipocytes and their secretory products
Authors: Kim Aubin, Caroline Vincent, Maryse Proulx, Dominique Mayrand, Julie Fradette
Acta Biomaterialia
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Expression of obesity markers and Persistent Organic Pollutants levels in adipose tissue of obese patients: reinforcing the obesogen hypothesis?
Authors: Pereira-Fernandes A, Dirinck E, Dirtu A, Malarvannan G, Covaci A, Van Gaal L, Vanparys C, Jorens P, Blust R
PLoS ONE, 2014-01-10;9(1):e84816.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
Endothelial cells from visceral adipose tissue disrupt adipocyte functions in a three-dimensional setting: partial rescue by angiopoietin-1.
Authors: Pellegrinelli V, Rouault C, Veyrie N, Clement K, Lacasa D
Diabetes, 2013-10-15;63(2):535-49.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Performance characteristics of combinations of host biomarkers to identify women with occult placental malaria: a case-control study from Malawi.
Authors: Conroy AL, Liles WC, Molyneux ME
PLoS ONE, 2011-12-12;6(12):e28540.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Adipokine resistin predicts anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids in asthma.
Authors: Leivo-Korpela S, Lehtimaki L, Vuolteenaho K, Nieminen R, Kankaanranta H, Saarelainen S, Moilanen E
J Inflamm (Lond), 2011-05-26;8(0):12.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
LIGHT (TNFSF14) inhibits adipose differentiation without affecting adipocyte metabolism.
Authors: Tiller G, Laumen H, Fischer-Posovszky P, Finck A, Skurk T, Keuper M, Brinkmann U, Wabitsch M, Link D, Hauner H
Int J Obes (Lond), 2010-06-15;35(2):208-16.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Regulation of adipokine production in human adipose tissue by propionic acid.
Authors: Al-Lahham SH, Roelofsen H, Priebe M, Weening D, Dijkstra M, Hoek A, Rezaee F, Venema K, Vonk RJ
Eur. J. Clin. Invest., 2010-03-25;40(5):401-7.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Cell Culture Supernates
Homeostatic regulation of T effector to Treg ratios in an area of seasonal malaria transmission.
Authors: Finney OC, Nwakanma D, Conway DJ, Walther M, Riley EM
Eur. J. Immunol., 2009-05-01;39(5):1288-300.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Plasma
Relationships between serum leptin and bone markers during stable weight, weight reduction and weight regain in male and female judoists.
Authors: Prouteau S, Benhamou L, Courteix D
Eur. J. Endocrinol., 2006-03-01;154(3):389-95.
Species: Human
Sample Types: Serum
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diluted 1:50, followed the same procedures in the protocol.
Sample diluted 1/40, very good replicates. Very reliable across plates. Used 384-well plate format