Fluoxetine hydrochloride

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Fluoxetine hydrochloride | CAS No. 56296-78-7 | 5-HT Transporter Inhibitors
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Description: 5-HT reuptake inhibitor

Chemical Name: N-Methyl-3-[(4-trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-3-phenylpropylamine hydrochloride

Purity: ≥99%

Product Details
Citations (10)

Biological Activity

Fluoxetine hydrochloride is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Binds to the human 5-HT transporter with a Ki of 0.9 nmol/l and is between 150- and 900-fold selective over 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, H1, α1, α2-adrenergic, and muscarinic receptors. Antidepressant. Induces differentiation of neuronal precursors, enhancing neuronal characteristics. Fluoxetine also inhibits assembly and activation of the NLRP3-ASC inflammasome and prevents degeneration of retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells in an animal model of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Technical Data

Soluble to 100 mM in DMSO and to 10 mM in water
Store at RT

The technical data provided above is for guidance only. For batch specific data refer to the Certificate of Analysis.
Tocris products are intended for laboratory research use only, unless stated otherwise.

Additional Information

Licensing Caveats:
Sold with the permission of Eli Lilly and Company
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*When preparing stock solutions always use the batch-specific molecular weight of the product found on the vial label and CoA (available online).

Citations for Fluoxetine hydrochloride

The citations listed below are publications that use Tocris products. Selected citations for Fluoxetine hydrochloride include:

10 Citations: Showing 1 - 10

  1. Auto-Reactive Th17-Cells Trigger Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder Like Behavior in Mice With Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis.
    Authors: Kant Et al.
    Front Immunol  2018;9:2508
  2. Acute stress is detrimental to heart regeneration in zebrafish.
    Authors: Sallin and Jazwinska
    Open Biol  2016;6
  3. Functional integration of a serotonergic neuron in the Drosophila antennal lobe.
    Authors: Zhang and Gaudry
    Elife  2016;5
  4. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor exposure constricts the mouse ductus arteriosus in utero.
    Authors: Hooper Et al.
    Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol  2016;311:H572
  5. Endogenous gradients of resting potential instructively pattern embryonic neural tissue via Notch signaling and regulation of proliferation.
    Authors: Pai Et al.
    J Neurosci  2015;35:4366
  6. Serotonin receptors expressed in Drosophila mushroom bodies differentially modulate larval locomotion.
    Authors: Silva Et al.
    PLoS One  2014;9:e89641
  7. A translational rodent assay of affective biases in depression and antidepressant therapy.
    Authors: Stuart Et al.
    Neuropsychopharmacology  2013;38:1625
  8. HDAC2 regulates atypical antipsychotic responses through the modulation of mGlu2 promoter activity.
    Authors: Kurita Et al.
    Nat Neurosci  2012;15:1245
  9. TRPA1 regulates gastrointestinal motility through serotonin release from enterochromaffin cells.
    Authors: Nozawa Et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2009;106:3408
  10. Overexpression of the 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter gene: effect on pulmonary hemodynamics and hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.
    Authors: MacLean Et al.
    J Pharmacol Exp Ther  2004;109:2150


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