DNA Damage, Mutation Detection, and Enzyme Kits/Activity Assays


Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay

Catalog #: 4250-050-K, 4251-050-K
Label: SYBR Green Dye Silver Stain
Description: Cells are immobilized on a slide in a bed of low melting point agarose and then gently lysed. Following lysis, samples are treated with alkali to unwind and denature the DNA and hydrolyze sites of damage. The samples are then electrophoresed, stained, and visualized by microscopy. Evidence of a "comet tail" shape and migration pattern indicates DNA Damage.
Testing Format: Fluorescence and light microscopy
Sample Source: Unfixed cells, Fresh tissues

PARP Universal Colorimetric Assay

Enzymatic Activity Assay

Catalog #: 4677-096-K
Label: TACS-Sapphire™
Description: For the measurement of poly (ADP-ribos) polymerase (PARP) activity, and for the screening of PARP inhibitors.
Format: Colorimetric Assay
Samples: Unfixed Cells, Fresh Tissues