Four Fundamentals of Immunoassay Quality

In clinical research, precise measurement of protein levels is important. Immunoassays play a crucial role in evaluating critical quality attributes (CQAs) and biomarkers, while also facilitating essential immunoassay testing. At R&D Systems, we recognize the significance of long-term sensitivity and specificity within these assays. This commitment ensures thorough quantification of CQAs across sample matrices, increasing patient safety.

Leveraging our 40 years of experience and comprehensive control over raw in-house materials, we have pushed technical innovation in next-generation ELISA-based platforms. Our expanded offerings include high multiplexing with Luminex® panels and automated ELISAs on Ella, providing robust and precise immunoassay testing. This approach, firmly rooted in ISO13485 compliant facilities, highlights exceptional quality where strict immunoassay controls, full documentation, and fluid change controls come together to provide outcomes you can rely on. Entrust us with your immunoassay needs, enabling you to push your research forward and drive therapeutic advancements to market readiness.

The 4 Essentials of Quality Brochure will explore the importance of:

  • Spike Recovery
  • Dilution Linearity
  • Specificity
  • Consistency

IBU Quality Brochure

Luminex® is a trademark of Luminex Corporation.