Relax and Go with the Flow: Demystifying Multi-Parameter Flow Cytometry

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 08:52

Flow cytometry is a powerful technique that allows researchers to examine multiple proteins on cell populations using fluorescently labeled antibodies. Multi-parameter, fluidic-based flow cytometry has been applied to multiple fields of study ranging from basic to clinical immunology, cancer biology, neuroscience, stem cell research, and drug discovery. In order to maximize the quality of results obtained using this technology, researchers should be familiar with the basics of flow cytometry when setting up an experiment. In this series of seminars, we will discuss the necessary tools to design, run, and analyze a multi-parameter flow cytometric experiment.

Webinar 1 - Relax and Go with the Flow: Demystifying Multi-Parameter Flow Cytometry

In this introductory level webinar, you will learn the basics of how flow cytometry works including how to optimally set up and run a multi-parameter experiment. We will highlight the following topics:

  • Spectral overlap and how compensation is used to correct this issue
  • How the surface density of cellular antigens influences fluorochrome choice
  • Basic data analysis

To illustrate these points, we will feature a short video on how to run a basic multicolor flow experiment on human natural Tregs, using techniques which can be applied to any field of study.

Webinar 2 - Turning Flow Cytometry Upside Down and Inside Out: Cellular Function Revealed.

Watch part two here!


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